• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
AustinPepper 2013 Glog - First Glog
So, after disaster in mid march where I overwatered and killed all my plants (except for 2: THSC Naga 7 and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion), I began anew. This time, determined to grow many more peppers than I would ever need.   Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Moruga 7 Pot 7 Pot Jonah White Bhut Jolokia Purple Bhut Jlokia Dorset Naga Fatali   April 11, 2013:...along with the kids FINE artwork   April 13, 2013: Grow box in the Garage. The two planter trays on the left are the seeds from the first pic. The plastic container on the right was an experiment that didn't go so well.   May 7, 2013: Starting to alternate them with some time outdoors after I come home from work   Sometime about may 14...ish. Took the viable plants...
Cool98010's Mid 2013 Glog - Update 26 August 2013
Hi Guys :D I'm kind of a newbie (I guess? :rolleyes: ) and i'm from Singapore (perfect conditions for growing peppers :D). This will be my second growing season as my first one isn't doing so well :( This Time I got my seeds from Pepperlover.com and Judy gave me like 3 packets of seeds for freee :D I will be growing Dorset Naga, 7 Pot Primo, 7 Pot Orange, 7 Pot Original Red, 7 Pot Brain Strain, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Butch T.     Here are all the seeds :    For the time being I'll be storing them in a plastic container :    I will be using this potting soil with some fish emulsion i bought from Malaysia :      Damm Photobucket not responding :(   I put the soil mixture in solo cups and put them in a container with...
Tay's Glog 2013: Electric Boogaloo
Love the site and glogs here! bout time I created my own. Guess I'm starting this blog out on the left foot, since I'm kicking off with pics of my plants yet to meet real terra firma. Only 4 peppers, 2 maters, and a gaggle of cucs in the ground anyways. This will change in the next couple days. Here's my potted hab I plan on OW. Putting out massive amounts of buds and branches, despite losing almost half it's stem and foliage to my inexperience and wind. Base and stems: First fruit I've seen, on a cherry mater plant: Rest of the plants that need transplanting: Pablanos putting out flowers despite stature. Just going with it.
Ok everyone, I meant to post up pics from the when I first started my plants but tapatalk wont let me. I finally got my computer back so I can sit down and upload a couple pics. Id like some input and opinions of my progress with my plants. This is my second year growing pepper's and i am really looking forward to getting some pods. I am only growing 3 varieties Orange habanero, Numex twilight and jalapeño. I had some Aji amarillo and thai dragon plants but only did a couple of each and gave them to friends. How do I post pic's? I cant seem to figure it out on here. 
Well, I'm continuing my glog here for 2013, Most of my peppers from last year are still producing because we've had an unusually warm winter so far. (it's 81 degrees out right now) I ended up giving away a lot of pepper plants to friends this year, as I had a new roof put on the house and had to make room for the demolition. I still have 14 plants in nursery pots, 2 in terracotta and 3 in large grow tubs. My most prolific producer has been Naga Morich which was no surprise. Tobago seasoning has been very good too! I have been disappointed in the Trinidad red Hab, Bradley's Bahamian, BJ browns, and Brown 7 pot. I think I just started them too late, maybe they need larger containers. I'm going to step them up and see what happens. On...
BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16
Hey THPers! Just wanted to get my 2013 Grow Season off to a good start. I have begun doing some things and will try to backlog as much of what I did in the log here. I built 3 4x6 Cedar Raised beds and have a handful of planters that I plan on using to get some more starts for the 2013 season. To fill my Raised beds I bought the following plants from CCN (Cross Country Nurseries in NJ) and have been babying them inside my house near a sliding door with good ambient light since its been real cold for the past 2 weeks. 7 Pot Datil Sweet Fatalii Chocolate Hab Jalapeno Jumbo Limo Marconi Golden Thai Yellow Non Peppers Black Cherry Tomato Cherokee Purple Tomato San Marzano Redorta Tomato Sunsugar Tomato Black Beauty Eggplant Cloud Nine...
2013 Coming To and End
Over the past few weeks, I've pulled almost all of my chiles for the year.  I'm down' to (8) 5 gallon pots of various varieties - had 40+ going.  Picked  these today - not a bad harvest of pods.  They still have maybe between 10 and 30 or so pods on each left hanging - in various stages of ripeness.  Next week they go down.  A sad time in the backyard.  Pictures are from the last 8 plants.   7 Pots, TScorpions, Turks Cap, Aji Limon:
sponge-E's late as all hell grow!
well due to all my other hobbies, i did not get seeds started this year, and ll my plants dies over the winter. so i was not even going to grow any plants but could not not grow anyhting, so i got my hands on some reaper seedlings and jays peach bhut scorpions and a red bhut. the bhut is loaded with pods, 2 reaper pods(pods dont look the part) but they are looking good and hopefully i will get a few pods as i plan to overwinter(HAHAAH in SD) then and have a big grow next year! red bhut reapers the peach bhut scorp need to be potted up so no pics yet reaper pod next year wil be a big grow with the big hydro going again to see if i can top 15lbs off 1 plant
DocNrock's 2013 Glog - 7/11/13
My 2013 grow officially began 10/14/2012, when seeds hit soil. After seeing Fernando (SocalChilehead) growing in his greenhouse "sanctuary" and KiNGDeNNiZ continuing to start new growth in his AeroGarden, as well as the community HP22B grow thread already being 8 pages, I broke down and started my 2013 grow. I was going to limit it to 50 varieties, but that ended up being 64, 77 including the plants I want to save from 2012. If some varieties don't pop or I end up losing some along the way, I might still be down to 50 (or less!) in no time. The grow list with pop dates is at the bottom of this post. Since I had plenty of seeds I wanted to try an experiment. Which is better for germination, soil or Rapid Rooters? I have two...
My POD season update... :)
lost my old thread so here is an new/ updated one ;)   Starting with my Naga plants: No pods yet due to over spraying with insecticide which ultimately has damage the younger stems leaving them susceptible to scorching.     My three 2nd year Red Savina's are coming along well, I now have some normal sized pods growing through too. Earlier I had a problem with dwarf pods.   That is a pint bottle:     My Devils Rib is really turning into big plant, its the biggest chilli plant I've ever grown and to think this still has another 2.5 months or growing weather lol. Pods are now starting to grow on it too.     Hard to believe this Jalapeño is in its 4th year and still looking and fruiting so well :onfire:      
Well I'm finally getting my glog started as you can see my photos are not the best. Its been a lousy spring, it started out very cold and wet, we've had several storms and killer winds my seedlings shrank from 120 to 85 then to 50. I got all my seeds from a trade with 3/5King and CMP1974 thanks guys the peppers were great and I got enough seed to grow next year and share out seeds to anyone that might like some. I'm having trouble cutting and pasting right now, but will have it fixed in a few ours and will have all the photos  posted and yes if there's no photo it didn't happen.        
Pete Maws' 2013 Glog
Hi, My 2013 growing season is starting off on shaky ground, but hopefully the New England weather will warm up so I can get some huge plants from my overwintered survivors, select some nice F2 hybrids in my breeding attempts, and make more interesting crosses. Holding me back for the time being is a lot of shade (huge oak tree) in the backyard and somewhat limited space/resources. I’m also having to start seeds late and without dependable heat. Despite their being in a very cool basement, I was able to overwinter plants under 4 T8 lights. (Wish I had a warm window in addition to the lights, but that will have to wait). There was a aphid explosion and then flies and mold fed off the aphid waste. I finally controlled the...
Two gardens this year: 1 4x8' raised bed in the community garden at work & a container garden at home. Peppers: Live plants from cross country nurseries shipping 4/1/2013: Containers: Texas Chiletepin (2) Cumari (1) Sweet Datil (2) Fatalii (2) Red Fatalii (2) Lemon Drop (2) Moruga Scorpion (2) Trinidad Perfume (2) Trinidad Seasoning (2) Trinidad Scorpion (1) Raised Bed: Red Fatalii (1) Lemon Drop (1) Moruga Scorpion (1) Trinidad Seasoning (1) Rescued Mystery Annum (99% sure its a jalapeno) (1) Non-Peppers: Basil: Lemon-Lime Basil (some hybrid of my Lemon Basil & Lime Basil that volunteered) Beans:   Bush: Purple Queen (P: 4/12 S: ??) Burpee's Stringless Green Pod (P: 4/12 S: ??) Pole: Rattlesnake (P: 4/12 S: ??) Kentucky Wonder...
As a newbie I appear to be quite impatient; waiting 4 weeks for germination on a heat mat with lights for hot peppers to germinate.  I gave up on the peat pellets and decided to take a peak into each peat pot to see if there were anything germinating.  Only two yellow bhuts and a black jalapeno germinated, so I moved them to regular soil and they are doing great.  The rest of the peat pots I emptied into a large Ziploc bag and set it the shed.  1 week later I decide to use the peat in a soil mixture to plant some Serrano seeds and low and behold I  had 4 pepper plants sitting at the top of that bag!  No light, lots of moisture, colder temperatures (40-70) and in a Ziploc bag completely closed off!  I also found several seeds deep in the...
Chewi's 2013 Grow - A Tale from North Texas
So, figured it was about time to start this year's glog since my neighbor up in Amarillo started his this morning. Thanks for the inspiration P. Dreadie! Also, thanks to everyone who sent me pods and powders last year. It really helped in planning for 2013! Most of my plants struggled through last year due to not enough direct sun syndrome. As you can see from this picture, I have quite a canopy of trees. I have trimmed back quite a bit this winter and will take as much as I can right before plant out. Also plan to have a few planters by the carport as well as an additional few plants behind the fence. (you can't even see the back fence in this picture there are too many trees. So, anyway I have a few OW and a few new seedlings from...
Ausmith's 2013 Germany - First big pull
Better late than never!   Life was a bit overwhelming this year and finally we had a lazy Sunday... so I thought I'd start my 2013 Glog. Besides work being crazy I got married in May, plus the honeymoon in July, thus the lack of time for posting on THP. So here we go... starting with the obligatory wedding picture.       Last year I grew 100% indoor, but decided this year to venture outdoors. I was offered some modest space in my wife's grandfather's garden, so I took him up on it. I also kept a bunch of plants in the tent inside, but they got so big I had to pot them up and put them outside at our place. Once things sorted themselves out I ended up with 17 great plants.    Here's the list: Dutch Yellow x2 Caribbean Red or Jamaican Red...
ikeepfish's Winter 2013-14 indoor grow log
This will be my second winter growing indoors, I'm kind of excited since I've expanded a bit since I first started.  I'm using both aquaponics and hydroponics and probably a few soil plants as well.  So, to start things off, I'll hopefully be the proud daddy of these seeds I'm working on germinating.   The soil I'm starting them in is a compost blend that I've been recomposting for a few years and it usually does pretty well.  You'll have to forgive me but everything I do is cheap and typically DIY but I'm hoping for some high quality results.    So to begin with, I already have hab oranges, thais, anaheims, orange bells, and hungarian waxes indoors, and I'm working on germinating these seeds currently   Reaper Fatalii Yellow 7 Pot...
PepperDaddler's 2013 Glog (UPDATE 9/28/13)
Hello all.   Guess it might be a little late to start growing this year but dammit I'm gonna try. It is Florida after all. I don't have pictures from the very beginning and I only have an old phone to get pictures so bear with me, and sorry if I'm doing it wrong.    This is my grow list for this year.   From seed:   7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow Trinidad Scorpion x 7 Pot Yellow Bhut Jolokia Red Trinidad Scorpion Dorset Naga 7 Pot Primo Butch T Scorpion Florida Grove Pepper Black Pearl Yellow Moruga Red Habanero Orange Habanero Jalapeno M Sweet Datil Hot Datil Corno Di Toro   "Cheaters" from the flea market:   Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Dorset Naga Red Savina Habanero Non Peppers: Chocolate Mint Patio Tomato Beefsteak Tomato Basil Garlic...
After a fairly successful first season growing superhots, I'm back again for some more. Thanks to all THP peeps for your expertise and your generosity with the seeds. Here is what I have germinating as of January 27, 2013. Wish me luck!! Bhut Jolokia - Peach - 1 Bhut Jojokia – Red (overwinter) Bonda Ma Jacque x Y7 #1 – Spicegeist - 1 Bonda Ma Jacque x Y7 #2 – Spicegeist Brain Strain – Red (overwinter) Butch T x Douglah – Coheed196 1 Butch T Dorset Naga - 1 Fatalii – RCC NagaBon – MegaSpokaneMan 3 Naga Vipers - Jamison (2 seeds) Naga Vipers - Coheed196 - 2 Red Savina - 2 Sepia Serpent - Coheed196 - 1 “Super Scorps” 2 7 Pot Primo – Stanbyandfire - 2 7 Barrackpore – Spicegeist 3 7 Pot Chaguanas – Coheed196 - 2 7 Pot Savannah –...
Ok my friends, I decided to do a different GLOG this year :) I wont be going into anywhere NEAR the depth I went last year in my 2012 GLOG (Can be seen here http://thehotpepper....pers-2012-glog/ ) . This year I just wont have the time to stay with constant updates and such so im just gonna post some info about what we are growing and some pictures along the way :) This years grow list is WAY less ambitious than 2012 as well, with some KEY additions and a TON less varieties! This year im growing 7 types.....ALL Nukes!! The list is as follows:   Trinidad Scorpion Moruga - Baker's Peppers Seeds Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - Baker's Peppers Seeds Trinidad Scorpion Red - Baker's Peppers Seeds Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate - Baker's Peppers...
Madballz Growlog 2013
Hello everyone, I have been a lurker for some time so this is my first post :party:   I've started to grow about March so i was a bit late :doh:   But here are pics of some plants i have   Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Jalapeno Conchos  :hurra: Numex Jalmundo The  Madame Jeanette wakes up  Some Bhut Jolokia pods Vezena Piperka  
pepperdan's Glog 2012
little background, always been a somewhat pepper head, to the point of carrying bottles of hotsauce everywhere, local grocery store started carrying orange habaneros, i eat 1-2 each morning with hash rounds and egg whites for breakfast, started making hot sauce awhile back, and got bit by the bug, gotta sweat at least once a day, and it being the off season i got a late start, and planned on over wintering, but turned into indoor growing due to stupid hot weather in the midwest this year purchased an aerogarden at a goodwill for 20 bucks, thought i would start there, ordered some bhut jolokia's and scotch bonnets from pepper joes, after reading reviews i decided to go with him, i liked his replies to some negative comment so on with...
Cap's 2013 Log - First grow
This is my first planned out grow season with hot peppers. After starting a semi successful garden last year and having some failure assorted hot peppers due to a hungry cat I am determined to grow them this season. With limited room and a short grow season in CT I don't have a large selection and plan to keep a few to winter over and get peppers year round. The short hot list: Bhut Jolokia Peruvian purple Sweets: Mini multi colored bells mix Multicolored bell mix Currently I have my seedlings in the bottom of my hydroponics tote under a 2' 4 tube T5 light (6000K bulbs). The purples got mold and only one survived ): but is doing well now. Will post more once they get bigger!
Coot's 2013 Grow Log
I guess this is my second year growing hot peppers.  I tried growing some last year, but my wife and I moved into a new house in June 2012, so my plants did not go in the ground until July.  Needless to say, my efforts did not yield any ripe peppers, but it was a learning experience nonetheless.    This year, I started my first seeds back in February, so this first post is my attempt to summarize the last 4 months.  I don't have as many pictures as I would like to have, but I hadn't thought of making a Glog at the time, so any pictures I have were just taken on my phone as a way to document the growth progress of the peppers.   Here's my grow list:   Grown from seed:  (Seeds obtained from Pepper Joe, Pepperlover, Justaguy, and...
Captain's glog, star date 9/25/13: FIRST HARVEST PICS!! My first attempt at a hot sauce as well!
Intro           It's been just over a month since I started growing peppers, to make a long story short I've always loved hot peppers and have wanted to grow them for awhile, so one of my coworkers who has grown peppers for the past few years decided to help get me started.  I’m extremely excited to see how all this turns out, but seeing as I’m new and inexperienced I figured I’d post on here as I go for feedback purposes and such, so if anybody has any helpful hints/tips or just sees me doing something I shouldn’t be doing then please don’t hesitate to speak up and let me know.   My Original Setup:           I started with 3 plants (thai hot chille, habenero, and jalapeno). Each plant was put into a 8” plastic pot, the Serrano was...
First timer from seed. Solem's 2013 Grow
What's up everyone. I have been thinking about starting a Glog even though it is later in the season. So I figured, what the heck. This is my first year growing from seed so any tips, comments or concerns let me know! It will be much appreciated.   Peppers I'm growing:   Bhut Jolokia Red Tobasco Scotch Bonnet Devil's Tongue Trinidad Scorpion (bought at a farmer's market, did not start from seed)   I used MG starter soil to start the seeds. I built a grow box with two cfl's at daylight spectrum.    Started Seed 1st of Feb.   Grow box with seedlings after hooking:   I moved them to solo cups after some root development:   Where I think I messed up is I did not harden them off properly. When I moved them outside, their growth halted for...
OhioGrown's First Ever Glog 7-18 update, with pics, Pods are coming!!
alright, this is the beginning of my first glog. to start, last year, i grew 4 jalapenos, 4 ghost hab's, 2 cayenne, and 1 super chili. i got decent return, especially with the ghost habaneros. This year I'm starting Trinidad Scorpions, Giant Jalapeno, and Chocolate Habaneros. I also overwintered two of my Ghost Habaneros. Here's a pic of the seeds starting, mainly the Scorpions. This is the first time I've ever started seeds, with alot of knowledge from TheHotPepper.com Now, I know some folks don't like the peat pellets. I got an amazon gift card, and got 100 peat pellets, 100 4 inch peat pots, and 5 trays. Then i went and got a germination kit, and got started with my seeds from pepperlover.com. Here's a couple shots of my Ghost...
Lock's late glog start
It's the slow time of year at work and I had my 1st big harvest off my plant tonight. I figured starting this glog would help pass time at work and let me share some pod porn. :party:     I have six plants outside, 2 in soil and 4 in a coco mix. Two Peters, Prik (the growdown plant), two Birdseyes (which look nothing alike and came frome the same dried pod) and what was labeled a Trinidad Scorpion Tequila Sunrise (given to me by a customer that got them on here). I also have a Birdseye and a Peter at work under a 400 hps in coco that I will take pics of tomorrow.   First up the Peters, these guys got damaged by mites or something else and were set back quite a bit after the first few pods started. They seem to be all better now but...
Hello and greetings :) My first post here, and I'm prepping for my first major season growing. I've done a few small pepper plants here or there, and two summers ago I tried for some variety of ghost chili or other (the pop top cans you can get from thinkgeek), which turned out to look like ghost chilis, but were super mild (may have also been the fact that they were getting almost no sun in the apartment we lived in at the time, and by the time we got the house, they got outdoors just in time for the frost to hit). I've got a heat mat and a 50 hole rapid rooter en route, and I'll be grabbing some cheapo work lights to give me some light. I also need to rig some sort of container to keep in the heat, they'll be going in my...
Seacowboy 2013
Got my seeds started back in early February. Next year I will begin in December as many of my pepper plants stalled out after getting to be @ 5-6". Other veges did great under the lights and have transplanted well into the garden. This is my first season with a garden in the backyard, been using about an acre at my hunting camp but that's hard to manage being 120 miles away, but have been very succesful there. Tilled the yard up to about 50' x 20' and added 4x4x10's on the corners to set the fence up and 2 more for a gate. The deer in my neighborhood pass through daily in a group of 8-12. I put down a weed cloth over majority of it then added 3-6" of mulch to keep the moisture in since I'm away for wks at a time with work and the other...
Okay Chiliheads, At the end of the month I will begin my crop for this season, as it seems the hard core chilis take a while to germinate. Then it got me thinking...Why not run a few experiments to see what germination method works best. People seemed to have some issues with the Reapers so I figure I'll start there and do the same with some other superhots and compare the results. I'm going to try three methods of germination: Overnight soaking in a solution, scarifying the seeds then overnighting in a damp towel, and for a control just straight into the dirt. For the solution I'm going to experiment with a vinegar base, I'm thinking equal parts vinegar and water and a little H2O2. I'm trying vinegar off the animal digestive tract...
Bob's DeSoto Parish Grow 2013
Back in the spring I gave one of my coworkers a few Chupetinha seedlings, and later on a few other young plants, including Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), Kitchen Pepper Peach (datil), and a Yellow 7 (Hippy). He carried them to his hunting camp, potted them up in MG Potting Mix, and has done nothing except give them rain water. Here are some pix from a few minutes ago:     This is apparently a cross between something and Chupetinha. When this plant was a seedling it was so pitiful that I had given it up for dead and thrown it under some empty containers in the garage. A few days later it had perked back up, so I gave it to Bob to care for:     Another apparently crossed or mutated Chupetinha, setting erect pods:     Chupetinha. The...
Megahots 2013 Little grow
Grow List 1-Cayenne slim/long 2-Aji Cito 1-Brazilian Starfish 1--Peri Peri 1--Thai Dragon 1- Bishops Crown   C. Chinense 3- Carolina Reaper 1- Yellow Moruga 1- Bubblegum 7 Pot 1- Chocolate -Scorpion (Bakers) 1- Red -Trinidad Scorp Moruga Blend (Bakers) 1- Red-  7 Pot Brainstrain (Bakers) Got some seedlings poppin up. :)  When I get a house I eventually plan on growing SEVERAL plants meaning 20+ The seedlings on the left are Peri-Peri or African Birds Eye, The seedlings on the right are Thai Dragon
Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013
What's up pepper heads...   I am an American living in Alexandria, Egypt and I love spicy fire breathing food. I have been living here for 2 years now and can find only a couple of different types of peppers. I found Jalapenos’ in a jar and what looks and tastes like a Kung Pao pepper but nothing in the superhots category and no decent sauces. Wistfully looking at all the awesome sauces and seeds on the internet I started a wish list on Amazon and pointed my mother to it via my wife’s facebook page as my birthday approached. Then a couple of months ago we received a box from grandma with lots of goodies for the kids and wife and about half of my wish list. Yes!   I don't have a fancy setup or even an un-fancy setup, just some store...