Recent content by jacobp

  1. jacobp

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Wanted madras, did not feel like going and getting everything necessary.  so here's a much less than authentic pork loin madras with cilantro rice.   
  2. jacobp

    food The Rajun' Cajun Cussin' Creole Cook

    Speaking of the fusion thang, was in Murfreesboro, TN two weeks ago and my company took me to a Cajun/Mexican fusion joint. Interesting to say the least, but it was less fusion and more like the menu was half cajun and half mexican. But it got me thinking. I'm seeing a crawfish etoufee burrito...
  3. jacobp

    food Grilling with Hells Kitchen

    I'm intrigued by the design of that bottom grate. I've never seen it before on a Weber. Granted, my trusty Weber kettle is 10 years old and still going strong. 
  4. jacobp

    food Empanadas...

    I usually get to Natchitoches once or twice a year. Around Christmas if its my year to go to LA with the wife. Always stock up on Natchitoches meat pies.
  5. jacobp

    food STEAK!!

    First Christmas I spent alone with the wife. We're usually traveling to see family but decided to stay home this year. I'm not really a filet guy, but the wife is so I went with it.    started with two huge filets, shrooms, rosemary, a some poblanos, and a few off pic ingredients.    Roasted...
  6. jacobp

    food STEAK!!

    Just the superhot blend you sent me awhile back. And I dusted it after it was cooked. The wife can't handle the heat. I used half of the steak for burrito bowls that night. The rest was sliced into a steak sandwich lunch a few days later. 
  7. jacobp

    food STEAK!!

    Just a large top sirloin for burrito bowls. dusted with some of Joyner's powder.
  8. jacobp

    food The Pescetarian

    You're not getting your chicken from the right place.
  9. jacobp

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    JHP recently sent me some powder. @JoynersHotPeppers that powder is legit. Used some in a pot of red beans and rice the other night, but this was even better. Balsamic/dijon pork loin hit with some JHP's superhot mix, along with garlic/red pepper broccoli and jalapeno cheese grits.  
  10. jacobp

    seed-plant-vendors Joyners Hot Pepper powder

    Dijon/Balsamic pork loin kicked up with some Joyner's superhot mix. That powder is amazing. 
  11. jacobp

    food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

    will absolutely do so.
  12. jacobp

    food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

    JHP, got your powder in the mail a couple days ago. Stuff is lethal...and delicious
  13. jacobp

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Took what I posted above, shredded the pork and added it back to the liquid. Wasn't quite spicy enough for me so I added a can of chipotles in adobo and some hab powder. Scorched some tortillas to have on the side and topped with some Panela.   
  14. jacobp

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

      had some leftover pork loin I needed to cook, along with some onions, poblanos, a few habs, and some green chile sea salt. Let it get happy for awhile and hit it with some chicken stock, beer, and tomato paste.    Stuck it in the fridge to cool and will heat it back up after work today. Still...
  15. jacobp

    food The Drunken Chef

    the saltwater purge is more of a myth than anything.    LSU published a study awhile back finding  I was back down in Louisiana this past weekend and got to go over to my favorite crawfish joint in Monroe, Cormier's. talked to the guys there and they don't use a saltwater purge at all either...