Search results

  1. Chewi

    wanted Bad Brains looking

    Anyone have any from a good source? Asking for Wes lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk
  2. Chewi

    for-sale Anyone got a SFRB for sale?

  3. Chewi

    wanted Wanted: Trepadeira do Werner

    Just lookin for a few seeds or a pod. Got a bunch to trade or will buy. Thanks fellas. Peace, Rob
  4. Chewi

    Damn Leggy Cukes Assistance Needed

    So, got these Cucamelons going from seed this year and accidentally left them too far from the light. Now that they are only a few weeks old can I bury them deep like with maters and peppers? The google is not my friend in this case for some reason. Thanks you guys.
  5. Chewi

    SFRB Killer Poddage

    Got a SFRB ready to pick tonight and ship Tuesday. Bad Brains, P. Dreadie Bonnets, Elysium Oxide Bonnet Mustard and a few random pods....PM any questions or post here it doesn't matter. Paypal only please. Peace! $17.15 Rob I got a pick of the last ones I pulled attached.
  6. Chewi

    WTF is this issue?

    This look like tiny bugs or edema from all the ridiculous rain we've been having. This is a bottom leaf so some of that is dirt that splashed up but the other things. I swear I'm getting new glasses soon.   and dammit is that a stinkbug or is is a beneficial eating something smaller? Any...
  7. Chewi

    2016 FTW!!!

    Every year I keep saying I'm gonna do one of these. Going to try this year for once. Started round one this week. This batch is: Gary's (Windchicken) Lumbre which is just spectacular red AND green. Stefan's (meatfreak) Elysium Oxide Bonnet (red and mustard) and Galapagos - Isabela Island Red. My...
  8. Chewi

    WTF is eating my poddage?

        Bird? Squirrel? Opossum? Chupacabra? Any suggestions on how to deter whatever it might be?
  9. Chewi

    wanted WTB MFRB of Bahamian Goats or Congo Reds/Browns or something about that heat level?

    Just checking. Need a powder project. Thanks!
  10. Chewi

    event ZestFest 2015????

    Anyone going besides me?
  11. Chewi

    wanted Looking for Zapotec and Purple Jalapeno seeds

    Anyone have a few to spare? I can send SASE or trade or whatever. Thanks!!
  12. Chewi

    free Free Powder!! - CLOSED

    Got a bit of two kinds. One is lightly applewood smoked mixed supers. One is lightly applewood smoked choco habs and reg congos.   One small packet of each for a noob under 200 posts. One small packet of each for whoever else doesn't have a closet full of powder right now.   Just post here and...
  13. Chewi

    Pod Problem - split/crack - rain? Red Alert

    So, this happens with too much rain? Never seen this before on my plants. ughhhhh Any help is appreciated!!!   I haven't looked inside yet, but will at lunch. If it doesn't look ruined they are going down the hatch, but this can't be good.
  14. Chewi

    Chewi's 2013 Grow - A Tale from North Texas

    So, figured it was about time to start this year's glog since my neighbor up in Amarillo started his this morning. Thanks for the inspiration P. Dreadie! Also, thanks to everyone who sent me pods and powders last year. It really helped in planning for 2013! Most of my plants struggled through...
  15. Chewi

    Sick Leaf Diagnosis Requested

    Any thoughts? Doesn't look to serious, just want to know should I go ahead and isolate this guy. No bugs or anything apparent. Thanks for the input.
  16. Chewi

    Aji Limon??

    plenty hot and tasty, just doesn't seem to look like any of the pictures I see.
  17. Chewi

    sorry: pepper plant in a filing cabinet light question

    Searched and searched and couldn't find the simple answer. I've got two plants I pulled and potted that I would like to stash in my empty cabinet at work until the spring thaw could I just hook up one simple light in there and put the plants in and turn the light on 8 hrs per day? What type of...
  18. Chewi

    seed-plant-vendors JoynersHotPeppers

    Forgive my picture taking skills! Got a SFRB from Chris, however missing from this picture are several peppers I consumed upon opening the box as well as some of the best powder I've tried! He was kind enough to include some family freindly peppers as well as some scorchers! The Chiltepin...
  19. Chewi

    Pepper ID please

    At the suggestion of wise folks here I went to the local Fiesta and found these. Sorry for the bad pictures. Could the first one be Manzano and the second one ???? Thanks!
  20. Chewi

    annuum HUGE Serrano found at WM

    I haven't been eating these very long, but this is absolutley the biggest Serrano I've ever seen. Tried one last night on the grill and it sure tastes like one. Anyone ever see one this large? There is a huge basket of them at the market. I think I might go back and buy another bag.