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  1. westin

    Used to be fairly active...

    Hey Folks,   I used to be pretty active on this forum, but looking at my post history, I haven't posted much since 2015... I'll try to hang around a bit more.  I'd almost forgotten about this place.  Does Scott [Lucky Dog] hang around these parts anymore?  That was one of the best takeaways from...
  2. westin

    First attempt at ad-libbing a sauce

    So... I am not sure how this is going to turn out.  Here is the recipe/ingredient list:   Assorted hot/superhots - Trinidad Scorpions, Fataliis, Red Savina Habs, Orange Habs, Bohemian Goat Peppers, Carribean Red. [About 14 total peppers]   Took all of those, and smoked them, but not completely...
  3. westin

    Food Processor Fail

    Well, I decided to try my hand at sauce making today, and learned an important lesson about the liquid capacity of my food processor.  :)  I was following a recipe that I found on this forum, and had all the peppers and garlic roasted, the carrots simmered, and added them to the food processor...
  4. westin

    Broken Stem. Any Hope?

    Last week we had a pretty heavy storm with strong winds, and a couple of my pepper plants broke partway up the stem.  They still look pretty healthy, but my fear is that this will stunt their growth.  Is it worth it to even try to save them?     Here is a pic of a jalapeno plant -- The other one...
  5. westin

    LDHS has done it again!

    Well, I ordered a couple of bottles of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce that I hadn't tried before, and boy did they deliver.  I made myself a hobo egg this morning for breakfast, and slathered half with the black label, and half with the pink label.  My goodness was it delicious!  These two new sauces bring...
  6. westin

    hot-sauce Firebox Hot Sauce

    Recently I picked up a bottle of Firebox Hot Sauce.  It is absolutely delicious, and the heat caught me just a little off guard too.     Ingredients: Fresh habanero peppers, vinegar, fresh lime juice, fresh onion, fresh garlic, evaporated cane juice, xanthan gum.   The habanero and garlic really...
  7. westin

    I need to get better about reading ingredients

    I had vowed to never buy another extract sauce, but due to laziness in reading all of the ingredients, I managed to pick one up by accident.   I glanced through the ingredients, but failed to notice oleoresin capsicum... I bought a bottle of Alberta Crude sauce along with several other sauces at...
  8. westin

    hot-sauce New Sauce from HBD: Bad Brains FVK Extreme 7 POD Pepper Sauce

    This one sounds interesting -- I wasn't aware that Heart Breaking Dawn made a line of sauces for the band. I think I may have to order some of this stuff. :) http://www.heartbrea...d-pepper-sauce/ It looks like it is pretty new, but has anyone had a chance to try this yet? Ingredients...
  9. westin

    Hotter than Hell: Ghost pepper cheese

    A friend of mine at work bought me a chunk of ghost pepper cheese called 'Hotter than Hell'. The stuff is pretty good. It has some heat to it, but I had some of my non-chili-head co-workers try it, and they were able to withstand it pretty well. It is hickory smoked, and has a wonderful...
  10. westin

    The Joy of Woking

    Just recently I purchased a cast iron wok on Amazon. It should be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I have been using my old teflon coated wok to make some stir-fry. I just learned that I had been doing it wrong this whole time. I would put some oil in the wok, turn it on, and then add just...
  11. westin

    J&D's Homegrown Hotties

    I will start this post, as I do with all of my posts in this category... I am not a reviewer, I just love spicy foods. Recently I had the privilege of acquiring some powders and a sauce from 3/5king. It has taken me a while to try each one, as I have been pretty busy lately... All of the...
  12. westin

    Advertisement on main page

    I recently booted to Windows 7 for the first time in months on my home computer. [Progress/Debian Linux is much better. ;) ] I installed Chrome, and came to this site before I remembered to install AdBlockPlus. I noticed an ad at the top of the page... Kind of embarrassing for a site as...
  13. westin

    Scotch Bonnets?

    I got these out of the 'habanero bin' at Rameys. They look more like SBs to me... Much hotter than the chilis I usually pull out of there... Anyone care to confirm/deny my suspicions?
  14. westin

    Powder Stems vs No Stems

    I tried searching for this topic, and found a few that were kind of close, but not exactly the discussion I was looking for. Sorry if I am rehashing a previous topic. I made some powder today, and took the time to chop all of the stems off of my dehydrated peppers. While browsing the forum, I...
  15. westin

    Scorpion Sting on Icecream!

    I had tried some of the [Redhawk Peppers] Scorpion Sting on a chip, and really enjoyed the flavor. But then I tried it on some vanilla ice cream with a hot cookie for good measure, and it was absolutely delicious. It kind of gelled up a little on the ice cream, which gave it an awesome...
  16. westin

    Any chili-fests in the Midwest?

    In the dollar menu thread, Salsa lady mentioned chili-fests... I didn't want to hijack that wonderful topic, so I thought I would post my question here. Are there any chili related events in the mid-west? Kansas City, Springfield, Joplin, St. Louis, Tulsa, etc? I haven't come across any, but...
  17. westin

    Redtail Forester's Holy Alimony

    Let me start by saying that I don't consider myself a reviewer, but more a lover of good hot sauces. I recently received my order from RedtailForester. In it was Strawberry Scorpion, Holy Alimony, and a powder that was simply labeled 'Pain'. I decided to dig into the Holy Alimony first. I...
  18. westin

    annuum Scary Jalapenos

    I realize this probably sounds crazy, but I am more afraid of my jalapenos this year than my cayennes or habaneros. I have a pretty good tolerance, and can take most sauces and fresh peppers [I can usually do a whole fresh hab with no milk], ... but this year, my jalapenos are ridiculous. I...
  19. westin

    Capsaicin Poll on Slashdot

    They have a poll on asking what your favorite way to add spice to food is. Interesting discussions going on in the related forum... Thought some of the members from THP would want to peruse/chime in...
  20. westin

    Black tips on habs.

    Just this year, most of my habaneros have a black tip, like the one pictured. My cayennes and jalapenos in the same raised bed are doing fine, but the habs... not so much. The black flesh of the pepper is pretty tough... I am not exactly sure what is causing this, but I am having to cut off a...