I am moving my growing stuff from http://thehotpepper.com/topic/42916-chilidude-seedlings-and-growing-for-year-2014/ to here where it fits better, so here is my progression so far:

ive notices that with those plants as well .. kinda had me worried because mine looked a little over fertilized but the others were perfect ...Chilidude said:
SichuaneseFoodFan said:Are you mixing your nutrients in straight tap water?
Also, have you ever grown with coco outdoors before?
SichuaneseFoodFan said:Thanks - your plants look good. Do you have a fan circulating air around/through the plants?
Chilidude said:
ebh said:
Is this the same as rocoto/rocato? I thought all pubescens should have hairy leaves and stems... and black seeds?
This looks a lot like an early hab (young plant).