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Douglah Cappy 2010

...a small harvest...

A close up shot of my first ripe 7 Pot Primo strain. Just figured out why my camera has been taking dull looking pictures, had the lighting set to fluorescent. Must have been that way since I took pics of my seedlings inside. :banghead: Glad I got this fixed before I took many more pics of my pods. The hedge perked back up lost a branch or two nothing too major. :pray:
Really amazing man,
Your plantation looks like an atomic Amazon jungle and the harvest has been wonderful. :clap: :clap:
Just a warning, be very careful for not blowing up your house. :fire:
I liked your recipe for Jalapeno, I'll try to do the same here in Brazil and let you know about it. :think:
Congratulation for the beautiful small pepper gardener :clap:
Take care and success :cool: :)
Yes, I'm speechless, I've never seen anything as powerful as this Primo, it makes my tongue burn just to see. :hell:
It seems that the skin is boiling :fire:
Just a FYI, I'm friends with the original seller of the Primo strain. I'm not sure if he still is selling these seeds, but he may be. He had some personal family issues to deal with recently. Very nice guy.

What an awesome dinner, the poppers are devoured. The filling was creame cheese and taco seasoning with bacon and chives fresh from the garden. Wife ate more than I thought she would, said they were the best jalapeňo poppers ever. mmmm mmmm goood.

I catching up on your thread yesterday when I saw those beautiful jalepeňos. I had to make poppers, but I used manzanos instead. So good! Thanks for the idea. Your photos are great!
That is my first Primo it's in a cup for me to extract seeds. All other peppers from the last harvest are in the mail or dehydrating tonight. Having filet mignon with the wife for dinner and will cut slices and sample. I am like a dog that has been hit one to many times with a shock collar and cannot pass that line again of eating a whole 7 pod ever again. Will report back on heat and flavor of the Primo tonight. :crazy:
I am like a dog that has been hit one to many times with a shock collar and cannot pass that line again of eating a whole 7 pod ever again. Will report back on heat and flavor of the Primo tonight. :crazy:
LOL...it's all good PRF...thats the beauty of superhots...use less to heat more in the food prep. Besides they sure do look cool too!
Wow the burn that keep on burning! This Primo pod reminded me more of a Jolokia than a 7 Pod. The pepper was very light colored inside and thin walled but oh so very hot. Flavor and aroma also reminded me of a ghost pepper too, ate half before giving up and sticking the rest in the dehydrator. Don't know how anybody with any sense can a whole 7 Pod on camera, I start loosing my ability to think straight I'm in so much pain. All I really want is the buzz, I wish the sting would go away. A very unique pepper that crosses the lines between a Jolokia and 7 Pod. Thanks cmpman1974 for finding yet another crazy hot chile pepper.
