misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

the only users i have blocked are anybody i have found spamming and reported(like 4 of them so far) and no avatars turned off. My comp here at work is just retarded, thats all.
texas blues said:
Plucked? Like a chicken?


Well eating lunch earlier I felt a hair near my chin and went to pull it away and I swear I plucked one out, I've looked so many times but there's nothing there, I can still feel it on and off. I have a phantom hair on my chin :hell: I also have a slight red patch I'm told from forever touching the area in paranoia.
Txclosetgrower said:
two words: sixteen kegs.

Will report results if conscious.
: Sings :
Sixteen kegs of beer on the wall, sixteen kegs of beer! Take one down, pass it around...fif... : hickup : fifteensh bottl...er...keggs of beer up theeeeaaar...13, no, feeeeftheen kegs of beeeer. take, take, take wahon down passsh it a, ahround.......aaballllssghhh fa gubbity ssssaahh!

: falls flat on face :

: starts to drool :
35 C here & 40% humidity - theres a breeze, its hot too. A slow slow day with some cold, cold beer. Tooheys New, full alc, easy to drink & cheap enough to buy by the 30 can box without hurting.
i cant believe it. they had 13 kegs but the kegs were GOOD beer o_O. I had some dogfish head 60 min ipa, anchor liberty ale, and anchor christmas ale. And I missed the others but they were scattered about. Amazing, i didn't even know you could get kegs of such beer. I finally sobered up enough oto find my way home