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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning.

Going to see the doc today for the knee. Yesterday wasn’t a good day. Today seems better. Bought some tri-tip from Sam’s Club. Going to cook some up today. Then I can have a little more protein in my diet.

Thanks Tink.

I lose and gain weight all the time. Winters are when I gain. I hate the cold and don’t get out much. This time I hope it’s different. I’m scheduled to see a doctor and a nutritionist at metabolic clinic. Next available appointment is in November. I decided to take the initiative and start losing now. When I make my appointment the hard work will be done and they can come up with a plan to keep me on track. Food craving is gone. So it should be fairly easy now. I’m just eating what my body needs right now. If I work harder in the day I eat a little more if I don’t work hard I don’t eat as much. 3 meals a day isn’t necessary.

Y’all have good day and better weekend.
Good morning. It's 74F (23C) on its way 100F (38C). RealFeel this afternoon will be 110F (43C). There's a chance that the high humidity and heat will spawn severe storms this evening. I've got a meeting this morning and then I'm working on health insurance (joy). I went to the dentist yesterday and I've got a cracked tooth. Scheduled for surgery on Monday (another joy). Didn't get out to harvest yesterday so I need to do that sometime today too. Plenty to do and I'm all medicated up because of my tooth. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 67F, on its way to 85F. Another nice day. Didn't get much rain to speak of yesterday. Probably will have to water today. Also headed to BIL's to paint the front door this afternoon. Sorry to hear about the tooth Harry, That can be painful. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy friends and family.
Good late morning. CG for watering and cutting broccoli shoots (gave away all 20+ shoots), then home to capture Japanese beetles from the green beans. Success for the most part, but will have to be diligent in removing them more than once a day. They love the Scarlet runner beans - for the red flowers?
We're freezing a few things from the farmer's market for soup making in the Fall. Still no ripe tomatoes, and one of the plants has only 1 tomato. Doubt if I'll have much to share this year, though a friend wants green tomatoes for her pie. May not happen (?) if I only have a few.
Have a wonderful rest of the day. Stay cool in this heat.
Morning treacles the weekend is here. Not much planned. Weather iffy.
I've been out chopping back the tomato plants, too many leaves, too many heavy tomatoes and it's all sagging.
And now it's raining again.
Meeting this p.m. and that's it from me.
Have a good Saturday - keep dry, calm, warm, and smile :D
Good morning. It's 74F on its way to 91F. I'm already sufficiently medicated for my tooth issue. Watching the opening Premier League matches this morning and then mowing this afternoon. Catherine ..... those peaches/jam sound delicious. Today, my wife is working on pressure canning the next batch of green beans and cooking down more tomato sauce. We're still picking a bucket of tomatoes every 2-3 days. This year's Bonnet production has been great so far and we're getting around 10 dozen every week. Yesterday, I harvested some really big red Teknes. This year we're growing Tekne pods from 3 different seed sources and they all seem to have turned out well. These are some really nice pods. Also harvested the first Aji Rosita Dulces .... these are perhaps my favorite pods that we grow. The superhots are just starting to ripen now too. Heard we're having tortilla soup this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 91F. Kinda warm today, but the humidity isn't too bad. I sanded and Lady DR painted the BIL's front door yesterday. I was also reminded I never installed the second replacement toilet, ha. So, I started that job. Of course, the bolts are rusted and just spin. Gonna have to cut them off. Oh, what joy. Left that for another day. Good thing he has two toilets, lol. This one is out of commission. Need to get down to the garden today. Water, weed, etc. Peach jam does sound delicious, Catherine. Harry, I don't remember Aji Rosita Dulce. Sounds like a great pepper. Think I'll give it a grow next year. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and try to stay weed-free.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 91F. Kinda warm today, but the humidity isn't too bad. I sanded and Lady DR painted the BIL's front door yesterday. I was also reminded I never installed the second replacement toilet, ha. So, I started that job. Of course, the bolts are rusted and just spin. Gonna have to cut them off. Oh, what joy. Left that for another day. Good thing he has two toilets, lol. This one is out of commission. Need to get down to the garden today. Water, weed, etc. Peach jam does sound delicious, Catherine. Harry, I don't remember Aji Rosita Dulce. Sounds like a great pepper. Think I'll give it a grow next year. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and try to stay weed-free.
Morning chickens - another calm, cool day, no rain forecast - that's saving itself for tomorrow.
Harvested another tub of beans and peppers, they're all being popped into the freezer.
Not much planned for today except a good lunch, nap and then more work in the garden.
Have a peaceful Sunday - keep calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. Cooler couple of days before the 90F temps return. Not much planned for today except catching bugs. Cleaned neighbor’s hollyhocks yesterday and got about 50 Jap beetles. They are horrible and always hungry.
Will check out the CG later, maybe not until tomorrow. Looks like a nice to just chill.
Have a great day. Enjoy the time spent with friends and family.
Good morning. It's 75F on its way to 85F and with light rain. We expect a mid-morning break in the rain and then severe storms this evening. Catherine ... I spent a month fighting those beetles and finally conquered them for this year. They are nasty and disgusting for sure. Watching the PL matches then maybe a bit of the Chiefs first preseason game. More tomato canning this morning too. Chicken cordon bleu this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 77F, on its way to 89F. Pretty day, albeit kinda warm. Did a little puttering in the garden yesterday. Did some weeding, etc and watered everything. Which, of course, prompted two thunderstorms overnight, lol. Don't know that we received too much rain though. Today is a chill day. Maybe look for some golf to watch. Hope everybody has a restful and peaceful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning.

Chores today. Always chores! Lol
Been sticking to my diet. Had some lean
Sirloin and sweet corn last night. First real food I’ve had in awhile. It’s been a protein shake and a salad everyday. I made ceviche last night so I can have a snack here and there throughout the week today I have a couple tri-tips I need to cook. I’ll slice them and put them in the individual baggies. I’m doing portion control.

Knee is still giving me problems off and on. Surgeon said see him in October!!! This is going to take forever. He said if it’s still bad he’ll inject cortisone at that time and see if that helps. If that doesn’t work he’ll see about some gel stuff they inject. He said it’s expensive and insurance companies usually don’t want to pay for it.

Catherine, I have tried jams and jelly before. It’s it or miss. Do you have a recipe for peaches you could share? I also like to make raspberry or blackberry jam. It usually turns out like syrup. Still good on pancakes or crepes though.

I think I’m going to watch tv today. It’s a rarity for me to watch tv in the daytime. Heck I don’t watch to much in the evening for that matter. I’m finishing up on Attack on Titan. Yes it’s Anime. Very good writing and story. Best series so far for me. I’m a Demon Slayer fan as well. 😂

Have a wonderful day. Take a second to do some controlled breathing and enjoy the scenery where ever you may be.
Morning all - Monday has arrived. Dull, dreary weather, rain and storms forecast for p.m. but I still watered this a.m. never, ever believe the weather forecast.
Today I am using up tomatoes and peppers and making chilli jam :mouthonfire: (that's the plan anyway).
Not much else to do although if it does storm this p.m. I shall be baking some cakes as well.
Have a good Monday whatever you're doing - keep calm, cool, painfree and smile :D
Good morning. The sun just poked out over the hill and has lit up the valley. Peaceful morning. It's currently 60F, on its way to 87F. Humidity 99%. Yuck. Thunderstorm possible this afternoon. Typical Summer day. So far, we've been able to keep up with the tomato harvest by making fresh salsa every few days - yum. Alas, there's now a backlog, so we need to process some tomatoes today - maybe when it storms, ha! Also have a few errands to run this morning. Sic, take care of yourself. That heat down there is brutal. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and pick some veggies.