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Hydro room & garden beds

Well I wish I had of got on top of this a little earlier but have been way too busy.

I'm growing my chillies hydroponically and am going to plant some of them out into the new garden beds I am preparing.



My partner built me a couple of shadehouses which I will use to harden off the plants from the hydro room before they go into the full sun in the garden beds.


Thanks to Potawie for helping with my pic uploading!

(Not sure if this thread needs to be moved to grow tech but feel free to if it doesn't fit in here.)
Here are the garden beds I'm preparing. I just got 4sqm of soil delivered to build them up. Not quite enough but will build them up more next year.




The last one is out the front and will probably mainly be used for tomatoes and capsicum but with a couple of chillies.
Here are a few of the plants that I have been hardening up. Not sure exactly which ones I will plant as I have too many to choose from and not enough room.



Tomorrow I will start planting and then once I have them in the drip irrigation will go in and then later on perhaps some shadecloth if it gets too much sun.

It will take me at least another week as I have some other chillies that I have just put out today for hardening off that I want to plant there as well.
that hydro room looks positively illegal. I bet your neighbours think your up to no good lol
looks very healthy none the less.
what sort of hydro set up are you running in there?
I'd probably make more money if it was the illegal stuff!
There are 2 x 600w HPS lights on a rotator thing with an inlet and outlet exhaust. I haven't got it set up for automatic watering as I change the plants in there once they grow to a certain height and I have new seedlings to put in. So it takes me ages to handwater it and move all the plants that I put in the walkway part of it.
It is mainly to get a headstart through winter on my plants and pump through some quickly but will use it later for isolating varieties for seed or shut it down till next winter.

Just got a massive powerbill, I have sold about 80 plants which has just paid for that.
Though I do love the look of them when grown hydro and they look very healthy,green and bushy.
Well after a hard days work the back garden bed is done except for a couple of plants that I'm going to put in.
I had a change of plans and decided to plant all my overwintered plants as they are already hardend up. Then with the rest of the space I put some habs and a few superhots.

I think all my other hydro plants I will keep in pots at the moment.

Here are some pics from todays effort.




I think once the retic goes in I will mulch with leftover hay/straw from the chickens.

SeeYouJimmy said:
There will be no shortage of heat in the Wild West this year. Looking good.

Great set up there candice.....fantastic! Im a we bit behind but its all looking good! The heat will be overwhelming soon he he he!

Everyone note...Absinthe is bad for you!!!:onfire:
Ha Ha, that is why I only planted on Sunday and not Saturday.. eewww wasn't felling too good, but that could have been the beer or bourbon or black sambuca:drunk:
Must do it again but without so many drinks next time Dave and Micca!
Well they were normal flat garden beds before that and were mulched with woodchips. (I hate woodchips and never getting them again!) So we dug up most of the woodchip (about 2.5 trailer loads) and then added the 4 cubic metres of soil. So the distance from what we had before to the top of the new soil is probably 30cm - 45cm. I wish we had of got rid of all the woodchip though because as I dug in the deeper plants I was hitting it!
Ok here are some updated pics. The front garden bed was planted a couple of weeks ago.
There are various tomatoes to the left at the back, towards the front are Yellow Bouquets

these are the Barrackpore's and capsicums at the front , then down the other end(no pic) are some more capsicums, green Zebra tomato and some 7 Pods and a Bhut.

I have started to fill the shadehouses
These are from the back garden bed, growing nicely and fruiting now.

Have laid down the drippers, just need to bury them and cover with hay

A lot of leaves are collecting, falling from the neighbours tree, lucky my brother in law is an arborist, will get him to sort that out!

Some Habs
Some of the Super hots. Looking small and sad because my stupid dog has been destroying them branch by branch every day. We will put up more fencing soon.

More favourites of my dog. Choc Bhut up front on right, seedlings up back are fatalli. Also have some habs in pots ready to be potted and a Pepino, Bhut and 2 blueberry plants.