theHippySeedCo said:nice Plant, from seeds? or bought as seedling
3 yrs apparently till fruit
That's actually not too bad.
theHippySeedCo said:nice Plant, from seeds? or bought as seedling
3 yrs apparently till fruit
theHippySeedCo said:Jimmy from over US just sent me this
2 yr old plants
theHippySeedCo said:got 1 tab left Nova,, Its on way
Vid it, then send as a reply to mine (ill send up this weekend instead of a sauce
hahahaha start a new thing that any1 can do,, show diff foods and things on Miracle fruit Vids..
found the 1 i dropped , but put down somewhere and can't find,, i want to do again as was told Crappy Tequila tastes like Fine wine and stout = chocolate milkshake (get a lil bottle of each to test as i diddn't)
Txclosetgrower said:Nice thats in Houston, that's driving distance from here. I might see about going down there to pick one up, f shipping something that is alive and costs 50 bucks.
theHippySeedCo said:i have an idea, so will put out
it takes 3 yrs to get fruit ? if so, what if grow for a while , then find some1 with a hydroponic setup doing cycles of 18/6 , 12/12 and put the plant in there. if a cycle took 12 weeks (hypothetically) then in a yr it may produce fruit as done 4 or so cycles..
have to find out now lol
theHippySeedCo said:Jimmy from over US just sent me this
2 yr old plants
fineexampl said:These plants are slow growers. I haven't noticed any new growth since i got mine a month ago. I had soil issues, but i think i'm okay now. i hope.
Any hints anyone?? Neil?
but you may help someone else. i think you might be right on what you have here. it was my assessment in my research as well.Josh said:Well last night after seeing this thread I did a little quick reading so I cannot vouch for it but...
Some growers say that they do not grow much at all the first year. So soil problems or not you should not be worried because from the pics it looks healthy and it is growing or not growing as it should. I guess the problem with these seeds are they loose viability very quickly. If your seeds arrive and are brown or yellowed instead of green the chances that they grow is slim. They prefer acidic soil. Apparently 50/50 peat moss/perlite. About a 30 percent rate of germination.
This is all theoretical info and not based on my experiences. It seems though that it would be smarter to order the berries instead of the seeds because this should make the seeds more viable being that you can plant them right out of the fruit.
As usual I don't think my info was really all that helpful in terms of your question because you ordered a seedling but I figured I would post it anyway.