Here 'tis. recipe in the recipe forum.

QuadShotz said:Looks like chinese basil
chilehunter said:bent - that meal looks great, the way its presentedsomething out of a magazine. & it also looks really good
to much rice for me but thats just me.
Pam said:Is that the same thing as Perilla? A red Perilla has reseeded itself at my mother's house for years, so I moved some over here. It reseeds, but it always comes up in the worst places, like the crack in the sidewalk or the middle of the sedum.
rainbowberry said:Yes it is Pam, it has lots of other names too.
QuadShotz said:
That seems slightly different from what I've seen, the one I know is more like what Beta posted, but a tad larger.
texas blues said:IGG, I reckon we will just have to name that pizza the "Buffalo BIll Pizza". I can almost smell the pic. Outfarging standing dude!
Cheers, TB.