food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

chilehunter said:
congrats to all of ya on the moose's :cool:
now we expect to see some moose meals!

I finally tried some chorizo earlier (beef & pork) cacique brand, its alright tasting but damn the stuff is very greesy!

That stuff is CHINO (Chorizo in name only). I've seen that stuff and wouldn't touch it. The stuff I'm used to is like a more firmer brat with the chile and garlic spices or loose. I usually get mine at the Whole foods hippy joint down the street from The Blues Kitchen. They have it every other week. In fact I have some in the freezer now! Imagine a kielbasa but heavily seasoned with tex-mex spiceenesxct! You can also make your own with ground pork and add your own blend of spiceenesxct.
texas blues said:
I need to "borrow" a couple of those moose backstraps.

When it comes to borrowing food, I NEVER expect it back at the end of the day. In fact I insist that you don't return the food I lend :lol:

chilehunter said:
congrats to all of ya on the moose's :cool:
now we expect to see some moose meals!

Thanks. Hopefully deer season goes just as good :pray:

And to make this post legit, I present some Jerk Pork version of "Sliders". Basically just left over jerk pork from the other night on dinner rolls with fried onions, cheese, salt and mayo. Had to throw in some greens as well. They're fried in EVOO with a few cayenne's, garlic and black pepper. Not a bad meal

JerkPorksliders.jpg said:
Holy crap Blister! Daaaayyyaaammmmmmm!

Thanks THP! The recipe called for 1 measly half of a hot pepper, so I decided to kick it up a bit and added 6 whole orange habs for the 1 1/2lb loin. I have to use them up somehow. The funny part is that I was worried that they wouldn't ripen and now I have more than I know what to do with as they've all turned at pretty much the same time :doh:

Anyone else check out Recipe Source? I found it some time ago and haven't really gone through it much, but you can search by region or meal and there appears to be a few hundred thousand recipes available. Seems to have a bit of potential so I thought I'd share. I got the recipe for the Jerk Pork HERE
'Lawd have mercy Blister! Outstanding hot, blue, and righteousnessess! Nice carmelize on the asparagus. I'da been tempted to add them to the mini sammich's! Dig it.
Burrito time...

Refried beans, my previously mentioned spicy meat stuff, ColbyJack, and homemade pico de peppers, onions, cilantro, garlic, and S&P... it's frickin' beautiful.

All set to go.

After steamed in the micro, with a bit of mexican sour cream and Arbol powder...

Yeah, it was good.
Deadly Chicken Quesadillas

Snax 4 NASCAR..woohoo!

I had inadvertly bought chicken nuggets that wern't that good..too fatty for my taste. What to do with 'em?

After being baked normally they were still kinda fatty, so I decided to cook 'em again...get da fat out and some heat in.

Diced the nuggets up small, adding cilantro, serannos, onion, garlic, chipotle/jalapeno/onion/chile powders, smoked bacon salt, S&P and cumin.

Threw in a splash of Mae Ploy and....about 1/4 tsp. of the New 10 Minute Burn Sauce that Gerald from The Chile Pepper Company was nice enough to send me.

Ready to get cooking!

The 10 Minute Burn is the lower splotch of darker sauce, Mae Ploy is the upper one.

Yes, 10 Minute Burn truly is THAT hot...

  • Bhut Jolokia
  • vinegar
  • tomatoes
  • 7.3M SHU extract
  • raspberries
  • chocolate
  • onion
  • sweet peppers
  • "spices"


Just unbelievably hot stuff. Very thick sauce.

I intended to do my normal kind of review on it, but I just can't eat it like that as I'd like to retain some kind of feeling in my face. However, it's great for adding utterly insane heat when cooking. You can taste the chocolate and berries just a wee bit before the Bhut Jolokia and 7.3M Extract Hell rip out your throat. ;-) it all browned and melded now. I tell ya, the steam was hurty. Just that little dab of 10MB mixing with the chicken fat was enough to render the whole thing just scary spicy. Surprisingly, the "extract taste" isn't too overpowering.


Now, I warmed up a tort, added Colby Jack, my filling and gave it some meltification. Topped it off with a splooge of sour cream, plus a sprinkle of cayenne and flat-leaf parsley garnish for the foo-foo touch.

All set for firey munchin'


Yeee Hawwww!

Geez Louise Quady! Chicken Nugget Hash! and then in da' kissadilla it becomes Chix Nugs Shite-on-a-Shingle! You the man!! Nice touch of foo foo for the final money shot.
Wow there's been a lot going on here while I was gone. Here's a few from this week. A pizza I made the other night:



The wings from tonight:


The ones on the left are Defcon 2 with some 1 and DM MKII and the ones on the right are Mae Ploy Thai sauce with some of my Thai pepper powder.
For true 'dat be teh hotness Jay! Everythang...the wings, pizza, and the steak are as they should, blue, and most righteous! Where 'da booze at?
I'm drying out today. It was a long and fruitful binge the last three days. Hence the posting in here instead of the drunken chef.
It's all fantastic. Too bad I don't have much of an appetite. That steak is so thick that it was barely warm in the center when I deemed it done. Leftovers are always good though.