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  1. peter pepper

    2010 smackdown

    I'm game. Count me in.
  2. peter pepper


    alright I didn't really know where to stick this topic so it's here for now. I was looking the other day and found this out: Quaker Steak and Lube is having a contest where the winner gets free wings for not 1 but 3 years. It's called their Triple Atomic Tough Challenge. Here's a link to...
  3. peter pepper

    Uh OH!

    I believe if see see on discovery channel (i could be wrong on the channel here) on HOW IT's MADE (might be science channel). Anyway they have one on Lodge CI and how it's make. At the plant they do run it through a waster with soap, but they don't recommend using soap to wash it once you have...
  4. peter pepper

    No-Salt Mash

    i would image it would ferment in the fridge - it would just be a slower process if I had to take a stab at it. as far as not using salt - i dunno.
  5. peter pepper

    pepper powder in my eye

    was it cow's milk or her's?
  6. peter pepper

    Dutch Oven

    thanks for the idea guys. P. Dreadie - i know this is a great must have for the kitchen. I did thank them. Heck it'll probably out last me - i'll be dead and it will be still good to use.
  7. peter pepper

    Hapy New Year!!!!!!

    yup Happy New Year all
  8. peter pepper


    look in the grocery store. they look like tomatoes, but have a papery covering. they smell funky too and are sticky. usually you cook them down and use them in a sauce or soup or stew. i wouldn't eat one just plain like a tomato - i can't imagine they would taste very good.
  9. peter pepper

    spirits Oh My....whiskey whiskey and more whiskey

    Thanks to Skydiver in a different thread he provided a link to On that site there is a Specialty Retailers tab with several choices. There are list of retailers that carry 100 plus, 200 plus, 300 plus clubs. Meaning that they have that many different types of whiskey. If...
  10. peter pepper

    Dutch Oven

    it is one of the enameled ones.
  11. peter pepper

    Dutch Oven

    I got a cast iron dutch oven for Christmas and was wondering what to make in it? What do you guys like to use it for? Roasts, soup, chili, etc, etc? What is your favorite dish to make in your dutch oven?
  12. peter pepper

    Favourite Drink?

    Ah the Long Island Iced Tea - i was drinking those this past weekend at my company's Christmas party. I have to second this.
  13. peter pepper

    harvesting AJs Major Harvest 12-02-09

    holy smokes man. unbelievable. I can't wait to see what you do next year. With being retired now you should be able to finally grow something. AJ's going to need to build an addition to his house just for storage of all his peppers / sauces / powders now!
  14. peter pepper

    cutlery ceramic knives

    i was just looking and it found several on ebay. i could actually get one with 3 stones - coarse, med, fine for about $30 with s&h.
  15. peter pepper

    cutlery ceramic knives

    i found a couple of different sets here: Sharpener #1 or Sharpener #2 the difference is the 1st is $35 and has 250 grit, 500 grit, 700 grit stones. the 2nd is $70 and has 500 grit, 700 grit, 900 grit stones. each would cost $10 for s&h. is the more expensive one worth the extra money or...
  16. peter pepper

    cutlery ceramic knives

    so you guys would think i would be better off buying a knife sharpener and putting a new edge back on some of my steel that I have? which would lead me to ask what kind of sharpener is a good one? electric or get different blocks and do the edge by hand?
  17. peter pepper

    cutlery ceramic knives

    does anyone have any ceramic kitchen knives? I hear they are supposed to be very sharp and very good to use, but know they aren't really cheap. I also read that Kyocera is the top brand for ceramic knives. are they really worth the extra money or not?
  18. peter pepper

    worst ever

    i was wondering what was the worst and / or cheapest beer you ever bought and why? maybe when you were a broke college student you bought some awful stuff. what was it? :shocked: i have a coworker who said a friend of his bought some beer called Beer 30 (if i remember right) and said he took...
  19. peter pepper

    spirits whiskey questions

    Hey Skydiver: took a look at this link. very nice. thanks.
  20. peter pepper

    spirits whiskey questions

    just so you feel better - i was at the store today and noticed a bottle of Jim Beam white label for $15 USD. :) actually the US is sorta similar in taxes on liquor. I live close to the state border and by Chicago. If I buy a bottle of whatever in Indiana I will pay one price, the same bottle...