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  1. woody3says

    Kids these days

    Amen TB.
  2. woody3says

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Well the respite from TX summer heat is over soon. Mid 90s today and tomorrow, but the 100s as far as the eye can see after that....... It would be nice if it could stay as it is right now with a slight breeze and 75. Everyone, have a safe and joyous rest of week =)
  3. woody3says

    chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

    Salsa was good, lasted day and a half lol Dave's Insanity is reserved for animal control.....
  4. woody3says


    My thought too. Did you happen to water during the heat of the day?
  5. woody3says

    chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

    Did your dad try one? H says he is a real sissy when it comes to hot stuff. Says a jalapeno lights him up :onfire:
  6. woody3says

    Holy S#@! Jalapeno

    After the explosion of TX A&M Jalapenos on the market, most you will ever buy are completely neutered. Good find and definately go back and get some to seed :dance:
  7. woody3says

    show-off Garden pics "hot day in Michigan"

    Nice garden =) Where's da beer at? Lol I was up there a few years back when it was over 100F, ya heat sucks up there......
  8. woody3says

    pests Bug ID

    Mantids will eat ANYTHING they can catch
  9. woody3says

    Any hope for my Tabasco? :(

    Ahh, yeah doing that would =FAIL
  10. woody3says

    pests Bug ID

    If they are still bunched up and "nesting" of sorts, hit them with a shopvac. No need to spray or spread if you can nail them at once!
  11. woody3says


    Feels like that scene in Alien to me. I'd take the alcohol feel over bubbling, churning baby alien any day! Agree, love the burn but not the rock gut
  12. woody3says


    Ate my first whole pod on a completely empty stomach....bad times! I feel for ya right now!
  13. woody3says

    chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

    The cap is after all oil, so it will burn off under a flame.....
  14. woody3says

    Any hope for my Tabasco? :(

    Strongly disagree Cyan. The root system that supported the whole plant is still there. I lost 8 Bhuts and 8 CarRed Hads last year to high winds and hail. All 16 plants were cut off at ground level. They had been about a foot or so tall. I thought I had lost all of them. Nothing for about three...
  15. woody3says

    pests Bug ID

    You may have the pests then. I know I had a ton of little orange ones last year (didn't look close enough to see spot color) that turned out to be assassins. No bug issues once they grew up! Best of luck
  16. woody3says

    chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

    You had to have cooked the heat out of them for your family to eat them like that. Your bro almost died with a fresh one lol! +2 above, steak looks great! I'll bring the beer =)
  17. woody3says

    To dump or to keep trying?

    Since it isnt sealed it wont last forever. I say try a different recipe and make some more, only way to learn! Good luck :dance:
  18. woody3says

    pests Bug ID

    baby assassins to me. Do a google image search. Tried to post link but its blocked at work........
  19. woody3says

    seeds-germination Satrting from Seeds

    Welcome to THP Bill :party: Not to put you off here, but you should do a search on all your Qs first. There are (last I checked) 6,108,788,943 threads on the above Qs (unscientific guess there :P ) that many of us have already answered to. After you get the general gist of the idea then you can...
  20. woody3says

    flavor Need advice on How to taste Pure Extract

    If you have to try it seriously EAT something first. Then don't be an idiot and try a teaspoon, just a drop or two will mess you up for a good long while......