Search results

  1. WarrantMan

    off-topic The "Roaming Tome"

    A challenge for anyone who may accept it. But, for this particular challenge, I can only offer it in full to the “first” respondent. The context: I have been a chillihead for most of my life. I have a small, but very successful hot sauce company that I am most proud of. Created by a love of...
  2. WarrantMan

    social-media Still Kicking 2.0

    Was recently contacted by social media hot sauce personality...
  3. WarrantMan

    ad Still Kicking!

    We are proud to be featured in a video review by the renowned Canadian “Chili-meister” Monsieur Claude Dubé. Most of his reviews are done in French for his Quebec home audience. We are grateful that he took special time and effort for this review in English.   Á votre santé Claude!   An...
  4. WarrantMan

    The Scoville Scale Blues

    Hats off to the talented guitarsmith and hot sauce aficionado from Missouri - John Seabaugh! Original composition - "The Scoville Scale Blues." We are deeply honored.
  5. WarrantMan

    Hot Topics?

    Was loaded to bear on a "hot topic" subject, only to find it was gone. I assume there is a reason or perhaps many. THP care to opine? 
  6. WarrantMan

    grocery Pork Roll?

    I visited a big box wholesale club over the weekend and happened upon something in the meats section I was unfamiliar. Never seen nor heard of it before, it was packaged in a large plastic tube type wrap and was called "pork roll." I do not remember the brand name...  I "googled" later and found...
  7. WarrantMan

    music Hair Metal

    I’m telling my age I guess, but I grew up in a world of very broadly “categorized” music types. Just a few back then - compared to tags or definitions of today. I’ve since seen many manifestations now that offer a myriad of labels or “genres.” A great deal has changed in the musical scene since...
  8. WarrantMan

    Need Your Vote!

    WE NEED YOUR VOTE!!! We have been entered as a candidate in the Charleston City paper's "Best of Charleston 2020." To get on the final ballot, we need to get into the top 5 nominated for the specific category. The final vote will come at a later time. We've got only until January 13th, 2020 to...
  9. WarrantMan

    Help Identify Object

    A friend of mine came to possess this matchbox sized item and asked me to help discover the story behind it. Does anyone here have any info as to origin or possible timeframe of this item? It is believed it may have come to America with a relative after WWII or possibly from a German ancestor...
  10. WarrantMan

    hot-sauce Mystery sauce from Puerto Rico

    From a female detective colleague, I was recently given a small portion of hot sauce to try. She had been to Puerto Rico and claimed she had found something amazing. She is a big fan of my stuff (greatly appreciated) and took great pains to explain that her desire for me to try it was not in...
  11. WarrantMan

    food Shout out to GIP!

    Thought about doing some ribs but caught pork steaks on sale too cheap to pass up. So pork steak it is.     Need seasoning... hmm, aha! Some great stuff from my Yankee bud GIP!     A little something for the chef...     Apply liberally....            
  12. WarrantMan

    Regional Words - Phrases

    Aside from vocation and interests in all things pepper, I have studied words, phrases, dialects and origins of “sayings.” Devoted a great deal of time to it.  I’ve found it to be of great interest and particularly in America where “regional” terminology differs when describing the same things. I...
  13. WarrantMan

    Fake Sports Fan

    Ok, full confession here. I am not much of a sports fan and have not been for many years. I played football and baseball up until my freshman year in high school. In baseball was second baseman for some years, catcher for most. Football -guard on offense and nose tackle for defense.  In little...
  14. WarrantMan

    A day in the life
  15. WarrantMan

    Quotes of Interest...

    I am among many things - a cop, hot sauce maker, vintner, writer, poet, historian and accomplished beer drinker.    Having said all that, knowing what I know and knowing how little I really know, I offer a subject for worldwide contribution here on THP. I am a fan of "quotes." Words of wisdom or...
  16. WarrantMan

    Curious signage... 
  17. WarrantMan

    Straight out of the can/bottle

    I know in starting this thread there are some here who could easily be deemed world class cooks/chefs. I have and do follow many with the utmost respect and admiration. I do cook often and share here on occasion. But sometimes, I admittedly eat stuff "straight out of the can, or bottle" as it...
  18. WarrantMan

    music Mashups

    Some time ago in the "what are you listening to thread" one of you chiliknuckleheads (I say as a term of endearment) introduced me to a whole new type of music - "mash ups" I've been enamored with it ever since. The cleverness of some people to blend different genres of music together to produce...
  19. WarrantMan

    hot-sauce Curious Oddity - help identify
  20. WarrantMan

    Local TV appearance

    Last week, I was invited to participate in a SCETV (PBS) television show called "Making it Grow." It is a "live" program done by the SC Dept. of Agriculture. They did give me a fair bit of airtime and oddly enough I was more nervous in this than most of my day job police dealings. My "special...