Search results

  1. synclinorium

    Aji Amarillo

    Just curious what other peoples' experience has been with these peppers. My understanding from my old housemate who studied in Peru for a while and poking around the forums is that Aji Amarillo isn't necessarily a single variety and includes multiple strains of yellow-orange baccatums, some a...
  2. synclinorium

    synclinorium's 2015 Grow Log

    Started a bit late this year so we'll see how it goes. Just spent the past 40 minutes trying to fix the broken on/off switch on my T5 fixture. $100 piece of equipment taken down by a 2 cent piece of plastic. :banghead: All is well now, at least. Not doing much heat this go around. I've finally...
  3. synclinorium

    synclinorium's 2014 Glog (abridged)

    Sooooo I'm a bit late on this, haven't been on the site too much in a while. I moved halfway across the state in June last year which put the entire garden in limbo. Since my roommate was still living there, I decided to just leave my plants and come back for them later. Let's just say not much...
  4. synclinorium

    breeding Child of Trinidad (BS Yellow cross?)

    I've been watching one of my BS Yellow plants as it has been looking a bit different than the rest, specifically, the pods looked a bit off and I've been waiting to see if it would ripen to a color other than yellow. Sure enough... my initial impression is creamsicle. I left it on the plant...
  5. synclinorium

    Butch T?

    My Scorpion is starting to pod up, and the pods look a bit wonky. I know they can have a variety of shapes, but this seems a bit outside of the normal realm of variation... So I ask: cross, wonky Scorpion, or another variety altogether? Unfortunately I have no information on the origin of...
  6. synclinorium

    Chile seeds anticipate arrival of inhibitive chemicals, respond with rapid germination

    Figured this was the most appropriate place to post this. Ran across this article today, worth a read. "A team led by Monica Gagliano at the University of Western Australia in Crawley placed the seeds of chilli peppers (Capsicum annuum) into eight Petri dishes arranged in a circle around a...
  7. synclinorium

    Plant IDs from around the yard

    It's times like these I am reminded of how woefully ignorant I am as far as plants are concerned. I was wandering around the yard and noted some interesting looking plants that I am more or less clueless about. Plant 1: Growing along the boundary between my neighbor's property and mine, I...
  8. synclinorium

    seed-plant-vendors Ebay seller brutus611 /

    Figured I'd start a thread for this guy anticipating his business growing (maybe someone lurking around here?). I know the track record of ebay sellers is terrible, but I had a good experience last year and it seems he's starting up a website soon (Pepper Pound). Not much there at the moment, so...
  9. synclinorium

    Leaf issues

    So, problems are starting to pop up, the growing season has officially begun... I know I've seen this before on the forums, and it literally just popped up in the past couple days. I've started finding sections of my Datil leaves cut out in roughly circular patterns, though sometimes it is just...
  10. synclinorium

    Holy Tepin flower, Batman!

    Maybe this is normal for Tepins and I just never noticed last year, but the first bloom popped on one of my seedlings today and it is kind of huge. On the topic, what are your favorite varieties for flowers?
  11. synclinorium

    seed-plant-vendors Semillas La Palma

    Kind of surprised nobody started a thread for these guys yet. Every time I browse there I feel like a kid in a candy shop... reasonable prices (even after the Euro conversion) and an awesome selection- they advertise over 650 varieties. I bought from them both last year and this year and had...
  12. synclinorium

    overwintering Fecundity of overwinters; propagation through cloning

    Just something I was musing about today. For people who overwinter plants, at what age do the various species typically peak in terms of pod production, and how fast is the decline beyond this point? I guess what I'm wondering is how long most of you keep your overwinters before replacing them...
  13. synclinorium

    Sweet peppers...

    Not necessarily no heat, but minimal heat. My housemate complained that I didn't devote more space to sweet peppers last year, and I can sort of see her point... I've tried growing bell peppers in the past but I find them to be not worth the effort; take too long to ripen, never get many off a...
  14. synclinorium

    Alpine growers...

    So, if I get this job I'm applying for (I'm pretty confident, which has me worried, ha), I may end up moving to Wyoming towards the end of the year. I'm not liking those frost dates... 3 month cool growing season, basically. The job is up to 50% travel, so it's not like I can protect the plants...
  15. synclinorium

    overwintering Rocoto Overwinters

    I think many of new growers mistakenly assume that overwintering a plant means investing in expensive lights and providing a lot of care and maintenance throughout the winter months. I am convinced that c. pubescens are plants you *need* to overwinter to even bother growing them, so allow me to...
  16. synclinorium

    Space issues with growing out F2 generation

    Hey all, this is a question directed at people who have experience stabilizing crosses. I know that there are a lot of other logistical issues to consider in stabilizing a cross (isolating plants, for example), but perhaps the one most prohibitive to the average grower is the growing space...
  17. synclinorium

    seed-plant-vendors Local Harvest farms

    I've been a fan of Local Harvest dealings for a while now, for seeds, plants, and produce in general. The idea is connecting you, the consumer, with local farms in your area (though shipping generally goes anywhere). You're not going to find many rarer varieties or superhots for the most part...
  18. synclinorium

    Paper Lantern?

    Mostly looking for closure on this pepper ID. I'm about 80% certain it's a Paper Lantern from comments last year; it was sold to me as a Trinidad Scorpion last year, definitely not the case... not terribly impressed with the flavor, but has a good amount of heat. Pods ripen to red, typical...
  19. synclinorium

    On the resilience of peppers

    Peppers, like most plants, are often the victims of too much love rather than too little. It amazes me what they can come back from, and to demonstrate this point I present you with this woefully neglected Mini Mini that should make a full recovery in short order. It started its life last year...
  20. synclinorium


    I noticed many tiny bumps on the undersides of the Cumari leaves tonight. I'm going to hazard a guess and say it's edema. At least, I hope so, as it sounds relatively benign... I understand this is an excess moisture issue, but are we talking about soil moisture or humidity? I usually keep a...