misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

QuadShotz said:
Ha, I haz betetr ber!

got this today on sale....$14 for a 8-pak of 14.9's


Good thing cuz i drank all the pbr....

Always new had good taste Old man ;)
Just finished a Weyerbacher Merry Monks. I was fortunate to find today a bottle of Stone Vertical Epic 7-7-07! Woohoo! I'll have it tomorrow. :)
fineexampl said:
No way man, but i can tell you where there's more. Bethlehem, PA!
They had a whole shelf full. This store was INSANE! Everything they sell is in singles to mix and match. Unreal selection! No Shiner and no Fat Tire though. :(

They are probably getting them from Shangey's. That is the best beer store I have ever seen. They only sell cases though. Little far for me to drive for a couple beers.

My hands and arms are achin from scrubbing some new cast iron stuff I bought, but it's done and is all seasoned now including the Griswold. i'm happy and haz beerrrr to chillax with whil i wait for em to cool down!

Now I just nede a pizza stone and I'll be set for bear-huntin' in da kitchenz...Mauhahaa!
I've been drinking a hell of a lot less than normal lately..been spending more time riding my bike. :D I guess that's a good thing, as long as I don't die or something.
imaguitargod said:
Had a Stone Levitation, Harpoon red Ale, Brooklyne Lager, and am now sipping a Maple Meed from 2006.
I had my first Levitation last night by coincidence! How awesome is that stuff?? As soon as i caught a whiff of the hops coming off it i was in love. I'll have to try a clone of it one day. How is that Harpoon red?? Always wanted to try it out, but i'm not a big red drinker. I noticed the new Leviathan is out as well. I have to give that a go next time i visit Oak Tree.

I just realized this morning that my kit-based IPA is ready for drinking and has been for about a week now. :lol: I know what i'll be drinking tomorrow. The first bottle was pretty decent once it warmed up a bit.
fineexampl said:
I had my first Levitation last night by coincidence! How awesome is that stuff?? As soon as i caught a whiff of the hops coming off it i was in love. I'll have to try a clone of it one day. How is that Harpoon red?? Always wanted to try it out, but i'm not a big red drinker. I noticed the new Leviathan is out as well.
Levitation is awesome. The brewmaster was baffled when he brewed it and everything was said and done. Appearently hes said "I.......I created a session beer?!?!?!?!" true story. :lol:

The Harpoon Red is ok, a bit too much carmalized malts, but good. The Leviathan is AWESOME! Nice an foresty/citrusy hop notes to it.

Having a PBR (shudder) before lunch today.