Potawie's early progress 2010

Bence said:
Yellow cat would be sárga macska. :D It's Cat's Yellow D!ck...or Cat's D!ck Yellow... Haha! Somebody who gave the name of the pepper was envious, because here in Hungary the color of envy is yellow, not green. Oh well...

I just tried one and I have to say it doesn't taste at all like cat's dick:)
Actually it wasn't a bad pepper. I expected a bit more flavor/sweetness from a yellow chile but it was still nice. I'll let the next ones mature a little longer and see if ther's a difference.
How do you compare the flavor of this pepper to that of a cat's dick unless you've tasted a ca............. Oh. My. Really?

You're a funny guy Derek.
What a sweet looking set-up you have! I've often thought that I'd like to have greenhouse but really (!) a greenhouse in Winnipeg? Facing facts, I'd say that in the Winter, the plants are in the house or nowhere. Is your Winter weather warmer then ours? We get down to -30's fairly regularly; though we've been having an unusually warm Spring just like you guys.

Your peppers are amazing. Nice images.
Thanks eh!
Greenhouse season for me is only April/May and then again Sept/Oct. Its just too cold and not enough sun during the winter to make it worthwhile, and its just too hot in the middle of summer. In the winter the greenhouse serves as a workshop and storage/garden shed
I just tried one and I have to say it doesn't taste at all like cat's dick:)
Actually it wasn't a bad pepper. I expected a bit more flavor/sweetness from a yellow chile but it was still nice. I'll let the next ones mature a little longer and see if ther's a difference.

After reading the above I had to go back and see what had been posted previously. I just wondered what was going on here lol. Funny post by itself.
OK, here's a few of my overwintered plants. The one on the left(Kapowie arrowhead) is quite healthy, the others have had quite a bit of aphid damage and/or neglect and are worse than they look in the pic. The damn aphids are really starting to get bad again, almost time for ladybugs
I just love the look of wintered peppers!
I just tried one and I have to say it doesn't taste at all like cat's dick:)
Actually it wasn't a bad pepper. I expected a bit more flavor/sweetness from a yellow chile but it was still nice. I'll let the next ones mature a little longer and see if ther's a difference.

patrick said:
How do you compare the flavor of this pepper to that of a cat's dick unless you've tasted a ca............. Oh. My. Really?

You're a funny guy Derek.

Experiences are broadening... :D
We've been having nice warm weather and some rain lately so I've been trying to leave a bunch of plants outside to get used to outdoor life. Outdoor plants are starting to collect ladybugs which really makes me happy. DIE APHID SCUM!!

Outside the greenhouse

Bigger plants

Greenhouse is still pretty loaded
Nice leaves on that banana plant, love the pictures. Must have a big shelter for my plants as well..
Its been extremely hot in Potawie-land so all my pepper plants have been moved out of the greenhouse and most are in desperate need of bigger pots. Right now my priority is getting my tomatoes planted in the garden since they are outgrowing their pots very quickly and are starting to take up too much room

Here's some of my bigger pepper plants(and bananas etc.) in their new sunny location. The garden in the back is for tomatoes this year and it still needs more rototilling and soil ammending

Overwintered Kapowie "Arrowhead shape" cross

Dwarf lemon really putting out the flowers this spring

Royal black chile
No bananas yet. Only one of the three are types that produce "normal" bananas although they are pink and full of seeds

Hi potawie, the overwintered plant in the picture above looks more like a tree than a plant! That seems like an awesome head-start to the growing season, and since I'm in T.O. with no greenhouse, I'm thinking about pulling up a few of my peppers at the end of the summer to do likewise... can you direct me to a thread that explains how this can be accomplished? thnx