• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
PjPEPPERS Bonsai indoor/outdoor glog
Well folks...here goes! Our 2013 indoor grow is the first step for freedom for us. We are planning on using this years seed stocks for next years grow which will then be harvested resale puposes to help put us on the property ladder. It's not a get rich quick plan but more of a plan we believe in and are prepared to see it through to the end. We hope you can join us on this adventure and offer any advice where you can. We are all ears! (I will include as many pictures as possibe that are relevant to the grow and a few that are in for giggles also) I love looking at pepper-porn of other peoples grow's, it is an excellent research method, so hopefully our pic's will inspire and help you all to get a better understanding of what we are...
StephenG's First Pepper Garden (2013) [Updated 4/12/13]
Hey THPers! This is my first time growing peppers, or actually anything at all. I've got the help of my dad (who has certified "wizard magic" by my girlfriend on growing things), and he's the one guiding me through it. I certainly expect to see suggestions and help for me along the way from everyone here who watches my thread. First and foremost I would like to thank Durham Bull for sending me a very large order of seeds of many types. Unfortunately I will not be able to grow them all as I have many things going on right now and, honestly, I wouldn't have the time for all of them. Of the 20 or so types he sent me, I am growing 8 different varieties The rest are going to go to a good friend of mine at work and I'm sure he'll be glad to...
SO last year my chillies didn't grow much. I had a bunch of varieties and they all started growing at the very end of the season, so i didn't have any real amount of ripe chillies. This year i decided to do things a bit differently and with that in mind I sowed some of my seeds early (around 20th December 2012) And they're doing great! The varieties I've sown in the first batch are: Bhut Jolokia Jalapeno Sparkler A few weeks later, I sowed two varieties from the dried chilli pods I had in a jar. They had almost 100% germination. Big Thai (I think) African Bird's Eye (Ithink I later ordered a few extra seed from South Devon Chilli Farm and bought a few other varieties in stores, which i sowed a few days ago. These are: Fatalii Hot...
As I've mentioned before, I have decided it's time to post more, and become a more productive member of this community. Today (1/4/13) was the first day I've had enough time to do anything pepper related (other than eat them, of course!). So here goes: First and foremost, a HUGE thanks to meinchoh for being kind enough to offer me some seeds. It is much appreciated! (Pics soon - They came out crappy and I'll have to retake them.) To start off, I ended up poking holes in the bottoms of each cup and placing the holey cups in the normal cups. I got the idea somewhere off here to line the inside of a cardboard box with foil and I ordered a better light bulb so we'll see how that works. The following seeds were sown, 2 per cup: 4 cups 7...
Previous grows have been fairly small with little regard for pollination. This year I'm going to try to keep at least one of each plant isolated. I've got some friends that have volunteered to foster some plants. Several strains are repeated across vendors because I wanted to see how well they would grow out. Lots of scorpions! I'll get more pictures up once more seeds are in the ground. Updated! 1/28/13
Shadow's Glog for 2013
This is my second year growing hot peppers, and my first for growing super hots. This year is going to be a massive step up from my previous year. Pot size is going from 3 gallon to 5, varieties are going from 11 to 31 and counting, and plant count is going from 30 to about 300. I might end up giving some of them away; I don’t know what my yard can support. All of last year’s plants were grown on the deck, but this year they are moving out onto the lawn. I want to thank this great community for its wealth of knowledge and generosity that has helped me get to where I am. This year’s tentative grow list: Chinense White Bullet Habanero Tangerine Habanero 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot Douglah Scorpion...
Okay Guys havent started this glog but i have started the peppers, All my seeds were started on Febuary 2nd 2013. Most of the strains took 7-10 days to sprout but i have had a couple just hook. well any way here is the list of the strains and quantity that i have as of today. Will post Pictures tomarrow After school. 1. Malaysian Gorong (3) 2. Goat Weed (3) 3. Tepin (3) 4. Bhut (1) :( only 1 sprouted need to germ some more 5. Butch T (3) 6. Manzano (1) NEED MORE SEEDS 7. Moruga (2) 8. Brain Strain Red (1) Need to germ more 9. Chocolate Bhut (3) 10. Chocolate Fatalli (2) 11. Trinadad scorpion "FG" (2) 12. Black pearl (3) 13. Yellow Bhut (3) 14. Aji Pineapple (2) 15. Yellow 7pot X Yellow Trinadad Scorpion (3) 16. Infinity (3) 17. Chinese...
Hi guys, After being away most of the 2012 season (big move, new house, new job...), I'm back for my very minimal 2013 growing season. Between the chicken coop project, the new garden boxes, the kids and all that, I managed to plant a few seeds. I wish I had more but that's all I could get going for this year. So here's the list of the seeds I was trying to get going: - Goat Horn (that I got from an Asian market here in Quebec City) - Fataliis - Habaneros - Chocolate Habaneros * - Malaysian Habaneros * - Bhut Jolokias * * These were from seeds I saved when I harvested 2 years ago. Since I leave all the way up north, I got them started mid-March under fluo lights (a bit too late unfortunately). So far, no success with the Fataliis...
Here we go. 2013 will be our first harvest, and we'll share our experience here with you. We are in province of Québec, Canada, so we are north (full of snow right now) and french speaking, so excuse my future english clumsiness. We are going to sow in the middle of february indoor, and final harvest is expected for august. We will have about 60 plants in a greenhouse and about 20 more outdoor. Most of them will be: -Habanero -Ancho -Ixtapa Hybrid -Tabasco -Jamaican Hot Chocolate -Cayenne -Rocotillo -Fatalii -Numex Big Jim And a few plants of: -Bhut Jolokia -Royal Black -Explosive Ember -... Stay tuned!
Well this is my first attempt at growing germinating these seeds. I soaked all the seeds for 10 Hours in warm water and planted them in cups filled with Miracle Grow Potting Mix. I have them stored in my garage to sprout with no heating element as I live in Texas and dont think it will be necessary (could be wrong open to suggestions). The seeds have been planted for 4 days now with no sprouts. Ill add some pictures when i get home.
The Binford Glog
Better late than never? I did get a late start this year into the pepper growing. I have tons of seeds, but unfortunately I'm living with my wife's parents' pending a house purchase so I have little room for plants. I started two Jalepeno plants from seed around April and bought one seedling from B&Q (UK's Home Depot) that looked healthy. A couple of weeks ago I was at the garden center and saw a pitiful looking prarie fire plant and just had to take it home and see if I could nourish it back to health. It's been a touch and go start after one of my seedlings sprouted very quickly and then dried up and died. I had an attack of aphids on my B&Q Jalepeno, but thanks to the Aphid Antidote I was able to fight them off. The Prarie Fire...
JustG grow log
Ontario Canada Each year we grow a large variety of peppers. Most of them we sell as seedlings and keep a few nice specimans for ourselves. We start the seeds in what we call the incubator. Its a large styrofoam box that holds 4 72 cell trays ( or 18 cell) Currently the 18 cell trays have tomatoes. There is a heat matt on the bottom and a plastic face that covers the front to keep the heat in. It sits at 80-85 F Currently germinating hot portugal, giant jalapeno, cayenne long, tomatoes Once they have one or two sets of true leaves, they get transferred into the 18 cell trays and a larger holding area. We use T5 bulbs and have the entire area lined in white sheeting. It also has a heat matt in the bottom and cover that drops...
HELLO ALL PLEASE GO TO MY GROW LIST ON MY PROFILE :arrow: first pics of my babies are on page #3 of this thread if you wanna see them sorry it would not let me copy and paste and it was just too much to retype, not lasy just a very bad typist :rolleyes: im sure some may be interdsted to see this please reply and let me know what you think also please do not base what i have available on this grow list, some im only growing now and dont have seed for yet thanks your friend Joe
Brett's Ultra Noob Glog
Hello all! As you can tell from the title, this glog will probably be the noobiest/"ghettoest" one in the thread. This will technically be my 2nd season, but the first growing multiple plants. Last year my 7 Pod plant began to fruit right when winter hit s: Here's the ones that I am currently growing: White Bhut Jolokia x1 Red Bhut Jolokia x1 Red Moruga Scorpion x1 Large 7 Pod x1? (Possibly 4, long story short: I got some plants mixed up in my seed starter) (I warned you this was nooby :3) Unknown x3 that were sent from Pepperlover. Why only 1 of each? Well.... The rest are still chilling in the Germination Station: And here's the 10 I listed above :3 Note: Bottom right one just got some water directly on it. Not killed over...
Well, the season is quickly approaching here in the Northeast, although spring hasn't sprung yet. I'll admit that I'm "green" to growing, and I've probably picked some hard varieties for our short season, but I'm bound and determined to succeed this year. I like to think that I've learned from last years follies and transgressions, having lost nearly 100 plants to early starting and late transplanting. That said, I'll be tilling this weekend or next and getting down with some crab shell and kelp meal, courtesy of Neptune's Harvest to get the ground ready. Here is this years list: Avery Island Tobasco Goronong Yellow 7-Pot Red Savina Peach Habanero Butch T Aji Pineapple Fatalii Jalapeño Douglah Morougah Scorpion Aji Cito Poblano CGN27500...
Dorutzu's grow log
Hi. My name is Dan. I am from Romania. And I like peppers very much. So I decided to grow my first peppers. I bought seeds from the followings species: Red Mouraga, Scorpion ButchT, Scotch Bonnet Red, Numex Twilight, Loco chili pepper. I just ordered only 5 seeds from each. 22.02.2013 I put the seeds in a wet towel close to a heat source. Surprisingly , my first sprouts were Scorpion Butch T, although the instructions on the package that belongs to says that Scorpion Butch T needs time to germinate, up to 5 weeks. My first ScorpionT came to light after 7 days and then I took it from the wet towel and I planted in soil. Below is my first Scorpion Butch T little plant. Then my first Red Mouraga came to life: After 12 days I saw...
Hey everyone! Glad I found a forum to support my growing addiction. This will be my 3rd year growing but my first year starting everything indoors. Im hoping to try to grow a few plants entirely indoors as well. For 2013 Ill be growing the following: -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T -"Peter" Peppers -Habenero Orange -Bananna Peppers -Sapporo Peppers Along with a bunch of non pepper veggies. I got most of my seeds from Pepper Joe's and BakerCreek Seed co. Started them in Rapid Rooter plugs placed in a Hydrofarm Hot House. I added about an inch of water to the tray and mixed in some seaweed/fish fertalizer once most of the seeds sprouted. Ill add some pictures later tonight. Thanks for the great forums! :onfire:
Hey everyone. Now been around too much since last year. Classes are ending for me this week for atleast a few weeks break, So i figured it would be a good as time as ever to start my first growlog. Got a room cleared out and got a few lights. Been planting abunch of different things :dance: I also tried overwintering a number of plants that look like they have survived for the most part. I'll dig out a camera to take some pictures soon.
Hello all this is my list of seeds to be grown: Have: Scotch Bonnet Jalapeno Buying: Choc Bhut Jolokia Scorpion Morouga White Habs Want/Need: Anything and everything i can get my hands on!!! I will post pics eventually when i plant them!
Second Time's a Charm - My 2013 Grow Log
I bought a house last fall and my first thought was that I finally able have a garden with all the peppers I wasn't able to have before. My first and only prior tinkering with peppers was a couple years ago when I rented a house and was able to have about 8 pots with various varieties. This year I'm converting the back third of my backyard into a raised bed garden packed with peppers...and whatever other things the girlfriend decides. I have a few pics of my preliminary work, I started my seeds in paper towels in a bag at the beginning of February and started transferring them to peat pots a week or so ago. My basement is a little chilly still, about a 60 deg ambient temp, but I had luck using a heat lamp wrapped in an emergency...
Okay guys so this is my first post on this forum! Its the first time i grow chiles and i hope its gonna go well. I live in Sweden so i think this will be fun to follow because i guess its kind of a different climate than in USA... I only have a balcony so i cant plant very much seeds. I placed an order two days ago on some seeds. Heres what i ordered (the ones with "?" i would be happy if someone could tell me the scovilles of) : Bird's Eye Baby - ? Bolivian Rainbow - 5 000-30 000 scoville Pequante - ? Pink Habanero - ? Prairie Fire - 70 000 scoville Tabasco - 30 000-70 000 scoville Trinidad Perfume - 0-500 scoville I also got some seeds from before that i planted two days ago: Cayenne - 30 000-50 000 scoville De Arbol - 15 000-30 000...
Dulac's Grow Log 2013
Seed/Plant List Hybrids Plants SB7J Type 1 (F3) (F2s from Patrick) 7 Pot Original x Bhut Devil (F1, my intentional cross) Ghost Scorpion (F2 I think, source: k. skwerl) Bhut Devils (I think it's a hybrid but don't know what generation) 7 Pot Jonah x Pimenta da Neyde (F1, my intentional cross) Germinating SBJ7 Type 2 (F3, F2 from Patrick, different plant) Thai Dragon x Primo (F1, my intentional cross) 7 Pot Jonah x Yellow Scotch Bonnet (not sure what generation, source: Butch Taylor) Cayenne x Bhut Devil (F1, my intentional cross) Superhots Plants 7 Pot Morouga blend 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia type 2 (another source but may be the same) Bhut Jolokia Red Giant Carolina Reaper Yellow 7 Pot...
Meatfreak 2012 Growlog
Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities: Annuum Caloro Cayenne Golden Cherry Chocolate Chilhuacle Negro Fish Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid Jalapeño Chichimeca Jalapeño Craigs Grande Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño Jumbo Jalapeño Numex Jalmundo Morron de Fabrica Peppadew Petit Marseillais Santa Fe Grande Baccatum Aji Pineapple Rain Forest Chacoense Yellow Chaco Chinense 7 Pot Brown Arbibi Gusano Red F-1 Armaggedon F-1 Biquinho Bolivian Bumpy CGN 20790 Chupetinho Clavo Congo Trinidad Fatalii White Fidalga Roxa Habanero Bazooka Habanero Big Jamaican Habanero Big Sun Habanero Black Congo Habanero Cappuccino Nugget...
As a younger man I used to love hot foods, but over the years sort of drifted to the mild. After and extended trip through South and Central America with my wife I started getting back into foods with heat and in particular chillis. When we finally got back we started a little herb garden on our balcony. After chatting with my cousin (Nee), i decided to give pepper growing a go. I started with two seedlings from a local big box store, an orange hab and a mystery chilli called razzamattaz (i think). The raz fruited well, but the hab flowered a small bit, but that was that. They started to get a bit mangy at the start of winter so I pruned them right back and brought them inside. They withered a bit in May/June and I thought they...
Baker's Peppers 2013 Seedling Holiday/Giveaway GLOG!
Ok, What we decided to do here is this....We decided that most likely theres quite a few people out there that are going to be getting FREE seedlings from us this Spring 2013. I also thought that most of you would like to probably follow your future plants from seed to your front door as a seedling 5" tall or so :) So im making a mini GLOG just for these! To catch everyone up, each person holding one of the below pictured "Redemption Vouchers" will get a Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, and 7 Pot Brain Strain Red plant delivered for FREE around May 1st or so :) These were also sold as Holiday Seedlings packages and such too, so you folks as well can follow the progress of your plants you purchased :) I will...
I just started up my peppers on the 11th doing the paper towel germination thing. Started having tails popup on the 15th and many more are coming. Already planted over 100 germinated seeds in 72 cell jiffy trays and I already have bunch of baby plants. Will update with what I'm starting along with pics once I get onto a computer. Here's my 2013 Gardening Album on facebook. All the pics I'm posting here are also there as well. I apologize in advance for the huge pics.
Hey everyone, I have been waiting to start a proper glog, so here it goes. Light: Hydrofarm FLP48 4-Feet/8-Tube T5 , and other Various small T8 Shop light fixtures. (Low wattage) Grow Area: Corner of basement, 2-3 x foot print of grow light. I will start taking pictures tonight of my setup, or make a quick video with my Kodak Zi8 camera. I'm going to probably setup as many pots that will fit under my light and then when they grow out I will start giving away plants to friends/family. I'm only growing: (Mostly Reaper's but also) Carolina Reaper (HP22B) - Seeds Straight from PuckerButt Primo - Straight from the Source Yellow Douglah - Won here on a giveaway. Peach Bhut - Came from Ajijoe I think. I purchased a decent number of...
Kidd's 2013 Glog - Germ method added, compost tea method added
Hi everyone, just wanted to share my growing mistakes and progress here. Plants i have going on are:- - Assam Bhut - Billy Biker Jalapenos - Giant Jalapeno - Aji Limon - Fresno - Trinidad moruga scorpion - Goronong (op) - Generic bell peppers (i need more sweet pepper for daily eating) My soil is a mixture of 3 parts soil, 1 part worm compost , 1 part peat and a some perlite. I *try* to grow organically. My feeds are mainly chicken poop, worm compost and worm tea. I crush penicillins and calmag supplements to give to my plants once or twice during the year (i guess this makes it un-organic) I live in Malaysia, where it's hot and humid. I grow all year long and have pest problems year long too as there's no winters here to kill them...
November 10th, 2012 - Sowed pepper plant seed. December 22nd, 2012 - Transplanted pepper plant (chocolate variation but not sure which one), currently at 6 weeks old January 27th, 2013 - Saw first two flower buds, currenlty at 12 weeks old. January 28th, 2013 - Two more flower buds have been noticed for a total of four buds
Southerncanada's rain forest chilis 2013
This is my second year with a serious hot pepper growing addiction. I will be doing deck and greenhouse peppers this year and I have 9 varieties germinating. Thai dragons, scotch bonnets, red habaneros, anchos, pasilla bajio, cayenne, jalapeno, filius blue and serranos. I am lucky enough to have southern exposure with lots of windows so some peppers will be grown with natural sunlight and some under t5 ho floros. I have one thai chili I started a few months ago that is grown under natural light on sunny days and floros on not so sunny days. I hand pollinate it on a daily basis lately and have already eaten pods.
Kramer Chids 2012 (indoor) / 2013 Glog
I really like the Glogs on this forum as it is such a great way to learn and see what folks are doing and growing. I grow a lot indoors with most of my collection being Parvisepalum Orchids, a few straggler Tillandsia, violets, dyckia, and Cryptanthus. My son is getting a rather nice collection of Carniverous plants going that includs Nepenthes, Sarracenia, Drosera, and Flytraps. I will post pictures of those later. I focus my growing as organic as possible and grow under HO T5's. I will be starting the following seeds right now for 2012/2013: Trinidad Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (Brown) F3 - (Silver_Surfer) 7 Pod Brain Strain (Red) - (Silver_Surfer) Trinidad Douglah x Butch T (Red) - (Silver_Surfer) Chocolate Bhut Jolokia -...
Well it is that time again isnt it? I have decided I am going to grow only a couple varieties this year. I started them in a 72 cell tray thursday night, so not much to show at this point, but here is the list: 18 Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon 18 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 8 7-Pot White 6 Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate 12 Brain Strain Red 4 Brain Strain Yellow 6 Shishito - I love these things even though they have no heat at all I am going to buy a couple Habanero and Jalapeno plants from Lowes or Menards when it gets closer to planting time, no sense in wasting my seed starting time on stuff I can just buy locally. I am going to wait a couple more weeks before I start tomatoes, but then they will be: 6 Beefsteak 6 Roma 6 Believe It Or Not...
Spicy Chicken's MMXII Grow Log (The Hot Spot Pepper Shack)
Hello everyone! Planting seeds is still a couple of weeks away yet but thought I would start out with an introduction and let you know a little bit about our place we call The Hot Spot or should I say what others call it, I call it a garden. ;) Here is a little bit about our hobby farm and how we turned what once was an old abandon farm into our favorite place to be. This is a family oriented hobby farm located in Northeastern Wisconsin. The farm is about elevan acres in size but we are utilizing only a small portion for the garden. Even though our growing time is short we use every day given to produce some of the best peppers in the state. We have lived here since 2002 and our garden is just a smidge over 1/2 acre. As...
Hi everyone! Two days ago my season started. I try growing the following: Bode Roxa Manzano Amarillo Jalapeño Not Bode Roxa X Aji Limo Rojo (tried to crosspolinate them) Limón Rawith Pimenta da Neyde CGN 21500 Trinidad Scorpion Brown Umorok (seeds from India) Yellow Umorok (seeds from India) Aji Limo Rojo Mystery #3 (peppermania) Mystery #4 (peppermania) Mystery #5 (peppermania) Mystery #6 (peppermania) I ordered these varieties and hope to be able to put them into the dirt soon: Scotch Bonnet - Jamaican Datil 7pod Brain Strain Peruvian White And i am still looking for some seeds of Cheiro Roxa and Fidalga Roxa. Maybe someone wants to trade? I can offer everything of the top list (as many varieties as...
Badger's super-ghetto glog!- NEW and IMPROVED pics
Well I thought I'd post up a glog since everyone else seems to be doing it (that's a good reason right?). Anyways, I'm a totally new grower. We had a garden last year but that was with a group of people and all I did was help weed and engineer the irrigation system. I don't have any prior knowledge about how to grow plants - including peppers - and make them big. I'd like to see some good fruit off of my plants this year so any help you guys wanna throw my way would be greatly appreciated. That's actually one of the reasons that I wanted to start this thread is so that people can catch me when I'm doing something wrong and set me straight. I've read through some glogs on here, mostly last year, so I have some basic ideas but no coping...