• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Spicy Chicken's MMXII Grow Log (The Hot Spot Pepper Shack)
Hello everyone! Planting seeds is still a couple of weeks away yet but thought I would start out with an introduction and let you know a little bit about our place we call The Hot Spot or should I say what others call it, I call it a garden. ;) Here is a little bit about our hobby farm and how we turned what once was an old abandon farm into our favorite place to be. This is a family oriented hobby farm located in Northeastern Wisconsin. The farm is about elevan acres in size but we are utilizing only a small portion for the garden. Even though our growing time is short we use every day given to produce some of the best peppers in the state. We have lived here since 2002 and our garden is just a smidge over 1/2 acre. As...
Hi everyone! Two days ago my season started. I try growing the following: Bode Roxa Manzano Amarillo Jalapeño Not Bode Roxa X Aji Limo Rojo (tried to crosspolinate them) Limón Rawith Pimenta da Neyde CGN 21500 Trinidad Scorpion Brown Umorok (seeds from India) Yellow Umorok (seeds from India) Aji Limo Rojo Mystery #3 (peppermania) Mystery #4 (peppermania) Mystery #5 (peppermania) Mystery #6 (peppermania) I ordered these varieties and hope to be able to put them into the dirt soon: Scotch Bonnet - Jamaican Datil 7pod Brain Strain Peruvian White And i am still looking for some seeds of Cheiro Roxa and Fidalga Roxa. Maybe someone wants to trade? I can offer everything of the top list (as many varieties as...
Badger's super-ghetto glog!- NEW and IMPROVED pics
Well I thought I'd post up a glog since everyone else seems to be doing it (that's a good reason right?). Anyways, I'm a totally new grower. We had a garden last year but that was with a group of people and all I did was help weed and engineer the irrigation system. I don't have any prior knowledge about how to grow plants - including peppers - and make them big. I'd like to see some good fruit off of my plants this year so any help you guys wanna throw my way would be greatly appreciated. That's actually one of the reasons that I wanted to start this thread is so that people can catch me when I'm doing something wrong and set me straight. I've read through some glogs on here, mostly last year, so I have some basic ideas but no coping...
ZoMbIeS 2013 GrOw
Its been a rough couple months but Im back Ive missed you guyz. Another year of growing i pray it turns out good may the chili gods bless these seeds.....im starting with around 150 seeds around 13 varieties.... Bih Jolokia Moruga scorp chocolate scorp Red scorp orange scorp douglah datil fatalii red 7 pot yellow 7 pot 7 pot primo butch t harold st barts These are going in pots.... Im going to start my annums later because they grow faster. All annums will go in the ground.....Thanks for watching
Pulpiteer's grow log 2012
I thought I'd do a grow log this year, since I've enjoyed reading the ones that other folks do. I'm up in Michigan and last year was able to get the plants in the garden in mid-May, but that isn't a sure thing. I'm starting a bit early, but I want the plants to be a good size when I do get them in, so that I don't have to wait until later in the Fall to harvest. If we would've had an early frost last year, I would've been in trouble. The grow log puts a bit of pressure on. If this is a tremendous failure, then it'll be public. I've been gardening for awhile, and had great luck with my peppers last year, but I'm taking a giant step up this year, so we'll see. Here is my grow list: 1. Douglah x4 Ajijoe 2. Scotch...
2013 glog and dense germination
I am finally getting an early jump on my peppers. Up until this year its been mainly jalapenos and a bell type sweet. Here is what I'm starting with. The rocoto pack says mixed because I am illiterate and thought I was combining red with red when I really combined red with orange. So now I have one mixed pack and one each still separate. I grow these for myself but the wife and I also sell at the local farmers market. I have to start a lot more plants than I need for myself and there is a lack of germination space. I didnt invent this method but if you look at how they come up when a pod or tomato drops this is kinda what it looks like. That leads me to this... As you can see the cells have duct tape on them and are labeled. For...
HwyBill's Peppers 2013
The 2013 season has begun! :onfire: I planted about 80-85 varieties overall, nearly 100 seeds, and filled up 2 full Jiffy trays. There are seeds that are proven performers, seeds I haven't been able to germinate yet and just wanted to give another shot, seeds that I just recently got in trades and purchases, and seeds sourced and gathered from places like Nepal, Sir Lanka, New Zealand, India, Italy, Australia, Peru, and the Home Depot in Kileen, Texas (Fort Hood). I have peppers ranging in piquance from sweet Bell's to the much lauded Carolina Reaper. spp. range from annum to baccatum to chinense to frutescence to praetermissum to pubescens to wild types and unindetified spp. I even planted two "Blue Mystery" pepper seeds...
Last year was a bad year for the garden. The heat almost took out the peppers and was a problem elsewhere. 2013 will be better. So far, I've already gotten my seeds started as of 2/2/13 and already have a seed coming out of the shell, a Casper Ghost pepper. Not the white Ghost...but a mutated Ghost Pepper that has little to no heat...so he's a friendly ghost. ;) I'm keeping track of my notes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlAQsauCxVpxdE53ZTI4OVdzeXdLbG45TFY5T3NsWUE&usp=sharing First time trying to do an online spreadsheet, but I think it will really work well. So far I have: Early Jalapeno Chiltepin Pimento, De La Vera Aji Limon Casper Ho Chi Minh Poblano Breese Belle Bannana Pepper Toluca Red i've yet to...
Ferrero's Super Hot Aquaponics Glog
Well I thought its about time I wrote a Glog so here it goes. I've always loved chilli and have bought plants before mainly habs and birdseyes, I've tried starting some seeds last year but unfortunitly it was late winter and I had no luck, so after last years flop and this year I decided to give it a proper go and I know its just come into winter down here but I thought hey why not :D it'll be a good early start to the growing season. So my mission was to throw something together with the stuff I already have sitting around the house or free from somewhere else... I knew I had an incubator but its to small for all the plants I wanted to start and the heating element is low wattage but hey I figured I could fit the lid with the...
SHANDLEY'S 2013 Glog
Greetings! NOTE: All edits will be done to this first post until it gets full. All photos will be in timeline style (oldest first). I see snow but that's not stopping me! I have already germinated some 7 Pot peppers with a 100% germination rate. The Chocolate Habs (also 100% germination) are now in seedling containers waiting to pop. My Trinidad Scorpion seeds are a major bust. I tried multiple ways of germinating the seeds and there is nothing in any of them after nearly a month. Fail. My germination and growing method is easy: 1. Soak seeds for 24 hours in pre-boild water in a container near a heat source (my laptop fan outlet works great as it's on all the time). 2. Drain seeds and put into large prescription bottles on a damp...
Lavatungs newb glog.
Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..? Baby Trinidad Scorpions. Most of them transplanted. My propergation light. Verigated leaves..? Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much. Look at them now :)! The result of using old potting mix. The jungle!
My very 1st Glog
Well I decided to do a glog on here. I have no frickin clue what I am doing but I have read a bunch of other successful glogs and trying to take something here and there to see if It'll work for me. Living in western Washington growing super hots will be a challenge due to no guarantees on hot summers each season. But I got a portable greenhouse 6x6x6 for Christmas so this should help a lot. I started some store bought jalapenos a couple of weeks ago in some "experimental" soil. Do to a lot of factors I had some problems with them once they sprouted. More of that later. So here is a list of what I am currently growing. I got the seeds from a very nice person on another gardening page. I am very grateful for his generosity. *Disclaimer*...
Justaguy's 2012 Garden Season
Coming from 2011 http://www.thehotpep...n/page__st__440 About a month earlier then last year and this year I have a place in case I need to pot up. First I got the germ bed set up and temps stabilized. Left to right go 82° - 87° - 83° Next I took my old light racks Slid one over and added a double Then added a new bulb that hits 6500K to each side to go with the ones from last year I have to get the bottom shelf done and then i will put up pics to show how the 2 lights differ and IMO will be good. This year I will have less total plants, but more varieties. Lord please save me from this addiction. :rofl: Initially I plan on 123 in ground and 25 in containers(some to be given away) 25 varieties, 27 strains...
GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not. So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone. Grow List Brain Strain 7 Jonah 7 Yellow 7 Chocolate Bhut Peach Bhut Yellow Bhut Douglah Naga Morich Chocolate Scorpion Tepin Pekin White Habanero CGN 21500 Fatalii Yellow Fatalii White Aji Lemon Drop Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Bonda Ma Jacques Datil Long Chocolate Habanero Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
Grow Log - Nothing Complex
Hi, As a continuation from - http://thehotpepper....881#entry620881 Ive got 500 + chilli seeds in regular seed starting mix outside in 2 mini greenhouses. No lights / no heat pads / I didnt soak the seeds / nothing complex just abit of soil and some water and the sun. Germination times yes are abit slow 19-20 days but yeah getting some good results now a fair few are popping through. How I got my seeds - I got a trinidad scorpion butch t chilli - cut it open and pulled the seeds out and planted the seeds directly into the soil no drying out or anything just straight into the soil. The majority of what has some thru is the butchies. Butch Ts Butch Ts Butch Ts Golden Habs Korean Chilli - Gwarii Here are the varieties...
Decided to get things started for the upcoming year this week. So I sowed a bunch on seeds earlier this week into rapid rooter plugs. I have had a few of them sprout already unlike last year they had taken forever to germ hence starting a little earlier. I will post a few pics later when I get the chance to snap a few. So here's what I have planned for this year. Overwinters: red brainstrain TS red TS yellow TS butch t bhut jolokia red bhut jolokia yellow bhut jolokia chocolate chocolate hab fatalii goatsweed choc hab x ??costa rican sweet?? trinidad perfume New Starts: choc. scotch bonnet jamaican yellow scotch bonnet black pearl maui purple sweet tangerine dream shishito trinidad seasoning pasilla aji yellow aji chombo aji...
Well, last years grow was a mxed bag - the early harvests were huge, and well beyond my greatest expectations, however a tropical storm wacked my plants for the rest of the season and I barely harvested a couple of pounds, and lost hundreds of plants. This year, I'm hoping the tropical weather stays away, and have a plan for recouperating the plants if one strikes again. Last year I started a lot of my sprouts in my garage at whatever the ambient temp was in november. This year I took a step to help control the temps a bit more than last year - I picked up a 5' by 5' greenhouse from big lots. Its made of thin steel, and thinner plastic, but if I get a year out of it, then it was money well spent (~40$). Next year I'll wrap it with...
Shandley's TS Grow Log
Please note: This grow log will be essentially for myself. It will contain items and photos that will remind me of what I did so the next time around, I can adjust accordingly. December 31st, 2012. I have been told that if I have the means to slowly germinate the dried seeds of last years peppers, Christmas time is the time to start growing, even if it is snowing as we speak. I purchased some TS pepper seeds from a known supplier. Based on the dust particle of residue that floated out and into my eye when I opened the bag, these are the hottest things around (VERY ouch. I may put some jalapeno on it to sooth it ;)) I am germinating with two methods today. Two seeds will be germinated by soaking the seeds in a shot glass with a few...
KiDDc's Grow Log
After 6 months of joining THP, i've finally decided to start my grow log here. Why so long? For one, i am a big lazy slob, and maintaining a grow log seems like an awful lot of work. But its seems that i can learn faster and grow more if i have a grow log, which others seemed to be doing. Without further delay, my grow list this year (subject to change):- - Chili Padi (Bird's eye chili) - Orange Habanero - Large brown habanero - Chocolate Habanero - Peruvian White Hab - Aji Cristal - Hungarian Hot Wax - Stripe (Baccatum) - Tabasco - 7pod - Trinidad Scorpion - Bhut Jolokia - Pimenta De Neyde - Scotch Bonnet (patrick) - Short Yellow tabasco (fatalii.net) Aji Cristal seedlings and PND on the top left hand side Hungarian Hot Wax -...
PaulG 2012
I'm chomping at the bit to get started with some new chilli varieties this coming Spring. So far I've just scratched the surface with Poblanos, Jalapenos and Serranos, all of which I really like. I've been egged on by a new Second Generation Mejicano neighbor as we've talked about hot chillis over the back fence! He helped me make some Pico de Gallo with my Serranos and Early Girl tomatoes and has some great recipes from his mother and grandmother. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of them on this forum in the future. I need to grow more Cilantro. Oh yeah! I've ordered seed from several sources which received at least a few good comments on this forum (6/12 - items crossed out did not germ, or weren't planted this year): US...
Chilinferno 2012
Dear Friends! although we are in 2013 yet it´s not late to show you my grow log from 2012. as some of you know i dont own a garden (not yet), i have to grow my plants on the window sills in my flat. it sounds difficult to grow chilis in such places but none the less it´s a good challenge to grow in every corner you may find in our every day´s life :D 2012 was a good year with a lot of sun shine and i ended up with a good yield. i have 5 plants from 2011 which i successfully had overwintered: *Red Fire (C.chinense) *CGN 22871 (C.baccatum) *C04620 "red" (C.chinense) *Petenero (C.chinense) *Bombillito (C.baccatum) 2 plants from seeds: *Not Black Naga Mean Red Cross (from cmpman1974) (C.chinense) *C04620 "yellow"...
My first plant growing ever : Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Hello ladies and gentlemen! Due to the euphoria caused by the suffering and anguish of people on Youtube after eating this and other hot peppers, I am deciding to grow some on my own so I can enjoy this experience myself in real life! I want to grow this pepper to not only try it myself, but also to allow others to try it and just have something else I can do/talk about in my life. This is my first time planting anything. The only other plant I have ever owned was those chinese bamboo plants that you have to water once per week :P So I am new to this and know I am bound to stumble into problems or even fail--but I will learn from it :D I poured the fertilizer while spraying them with luke warm water, then when the thing was 90% full...
Starting this year off sowing on Xmas! After seeing some Jay's Ghost Scoropions I'm going with them as my main focus this coming season. Still getting pods from my Wiri Wiri ma, on sad little scorp, my charlestons, and my jalapeño. Hands down the Wiri Wiri wins in flavor thus far, just amazing for cooking. Just got 25 of the Jay's Red Ghost Scorpions in the mail, will begin sprouting later today. Also thinking about going with some common cooking varieties. Going to do the whole lot, all of em. Also going to try my best to isolate them. Pics later, very excited! Man for those who haven't seen em check out the ghost scorps.....I'm just in love with the way they look. Big gnarly pods! Merry Xmas all!!!
SownSeeds 2012 grow season.
Hello all , well its that time of year for us aussies to get the camera out and do some happy snaps, here is my grow list for this coming season. First thing's first id like to say thanks to a few members from THP for sending me some of there seeds to grow this season. Jungle Rain - Grant Saugapepper - Conor BigCedar - Brandon Lavatung - Luke Luigimex - Luigi Seed List 7 pot Jonah 7 Pot Barrackpore 7 Pot Brainstrain Antillais Caribbean Aribibi Gusano Bahamian Goat pepper Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Bhut Jolokia Assam Bhut Jolokia chocolate Bhut Jolokia chocolate x yellow 7 pot Bhut Jolokia orange Bhut Jolokia white Bhut Jolokia Yellow Black Naga Cabe Merah Devils Tongue Chocolate Devils Tongue White Devils Tongue...
Hello All, I have been lurking around these forums for a while and since I have started trying to grow peppers, I figured a Glog was in order. Before this attempt, I have grown Jalapenos, Habanaros and Scotch Bonnets all from seed with mixed results. After watching some of the videos done by FBI, I became curious about just how hot peppers can get......and after a little research, ordered a few seeds. Seeds I have and vender: Carolina Reaper, Puckerbutter 7 POD Brain Strain Red, Pepper Lover Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, Pepper Lover I took 5 random seeds from each package and I am trying to grow them. Growing Method to Date: The seeds were recieved in October and spent a bunch of time laying on the counter. December 22nd, put the...
Matt's 2012 Grow Log
Ok, here we go again, another year, time for more peppers. I have about 11 plants I stupidly started back in September because I have alot of self control issues when it comes to planting pepper seeds. Anyways, they are doing well but I need to get my grow table in the back room cleaned off, clean the 3 flouro lights and get them back where they can get bigger. I need their space for new recruits. This year's plan is to build the garden boxes up 6" higher along the back fence, adding some more composted material and plant almost everything in the ground. Seemed the ones in the pots last year didnt like the heat much and they needed watering more frequently, plus they are a pain to mow around. 7 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T's The Hydro...
Ghosty's humble Glog March 2012
The first two shots are before transplant. I decided to try Baker's suggestion and bought a bag of pine bark mulch and added 30 - 40% to the bottom of each transplant pot (not blended btw), except one to see if there was any difference. I also took my healthiest trinidad scorpion and put it in the biggest pot to see if I would get more growth out of it. I transplanted trinidad scorpions, chocolate bhut jolokia's and regular bhuts. You will notice some plants are well along, over three months, while some about a month and some just started. I want to see if I can get peppers from all of them and in what time frame. If we have a hot spring, and above average summer as far as heat I imagine they will produce early. I have been taking...
romy6 2012
So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows. 2 Brain strain ( wayright ) 2 chocolate bhut's( wayright) 4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright) 2 red 7's (THSC) 2 yellow 7's ( judy) 2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds) 1 red bhut(CPI) 1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008) 1 red savina 1 douglah hybrid(wayright) 1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow) 1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow) 1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow) 1 donne sali( wayright) 1 datil(CPI) 1 dorsett naga(...
RoninGarden 2012 Now Indoor Glog
Well, I figured it was about time to start a grow log.With over 300 days of sun, Colorado offers a great, although challenging growing environment.This is where I'll be documenting all the good as well as the bad.Here is what I'll be growing this season.2012 Grow List: Pepper/container and size/ growing mediumEverything with exception of CCN plants(blue buckets) was grown from seed.Updated 9/24:Dorset Naga - 1 liter Airpot/PromixBx7 Pot Yellow Brain Strain - 1 liter Airpot/PromixBxTrinidad Scorpion Red - 1 liter Airpot/PromixBx7 Pot Barrackpore - 1.5gal Airpot/PromixBx7 Pot Yellow Brain Strain - 1.5gal Airpot/PromixBx7 Pot Red Brain Strain - 1.5gal Airpot/PromixBxSurprise Red Super Hot - 1.5gal Airpot/PromixBxYellow Bhut Jolokia -...
I haven't made it to the super hot level yet, so not sure how interesting you guys will find this, but I like having one place to post all of my pictures throughout the season, so here goes. 2012 Preliminary Grow List: Aji Yellow Alma Paprika Ancho Gigantia Ancho San Luis Barker (NuMex) Big Jim (NuMex) Black Hungarian Chile de Arbol Chile Hidalgo (don't actually have seeds for this one yet) Chilhaucle Rojo Chimayo Cosa Arrugada Costeno Amarillo Fish Fresno Georgia Flame Giant Szegedi Habanero Chocolate Habanero Peach Hawaiian Sweet Hot Inca Red Drop Jalapeno 'Biker Billy' (The only hybrid on the list) Jaloro Japone Jimmy Nardello Lemon Drop Melrose NuMex Espanola Improved NuMex Pinata (don't have seeds for...
Guru's Glog 2012
Is it that time again already? Feels like yesterday I was picking final harvests, disonnecting drip lines out in the garden and digging up pepper plants for the winter. Where does the time go? Anyhow, I see people are already in full swing here on THP. What a lovely site. I'll be the first to admit, I'm running a little late this year, but I have an excuse I'm prepared to live with.... :P I needed a vacation! Well that, and a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to open up a restaurant in Thailand. Who says no to that? Not I. We had a great time. Its paradise, and very cheap. Above all, as a chili head, Thai food is a gift from God himself. I ate better and fresher food than you could ever get in the US, for pennies a...
Over the coming days I will be attempting to log my grow so far. It won't be as big and spectacular as most peoples here (in fact it isn't big or spectacular) but I am proud of what I have done so far with my very limited space and love my chilli's (I am sure) as much as the next person. I have had a few small problems so far but a Massive thank you has to go out for the help so far from people like Nova, Gas, JR, Micca, Wildfire in helping me get started on growing something other then long red cayennes or other common types and answering my many questions and the generous man JR with his huge contribution to my seed stocks. Like I said this will be an ongoing process to get this thread up to speed so bear with me while I populate...
RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season
Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles: The 14 I picked are: 1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1 2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1 3. Douglah......................................Pic1 4...
Well the wife and the girl friend orderd A bunch of seeds today. I guess they looked on here and orderd the ones that had not been offerd yet. So Looks like I am set.. 1.AJI mix (Yellow 7 pot, Choc Hab, Mystry Red Hab + more lol mystry ) 2. Aji Choco Hand gernade hab 3. Aji Dulce #2 4. AJIJOES CHOCO HAND GRENADE HAB (exp) 5. Aji mix 6. 7. Datali 8. FATALI 9. 7 Pot Barrackpore 10.7 Pot Brain Strain, Red 11.7 Pot Brain Strain, Yellow 12.7 Pot Brown 13.7 Pot Burgundy 14.7 Pot Chiguanas 15. 7 Pot Congo Gigantic 16. 7 Pot Douglah 17. 7 Pot Jonah 18. 7 Pot Orange 19. 7 Pot Red 20. 7 Pot White 21. 7 Pot Yellow 22. 7 pot primo 7 pot barrackpore 23. 7pot brain strain 24. Peach HalaBaluka 25. Peach Hab 26. JAMAICAN HOT CHOCOLATE HABANERO 27...
STC3248, Just Another Grow Log! Holiday Harvest!
Still waiting on the supers...but the rest are sprouted and under lights. This will be my first attempt at supers. Fingers crossed. I am so lost in the labels. I don't know how some of you keep them all straight??? I know I got most of them right...but had a couple random seeds pop up under the starter pellets...lolEdit: This was my STARTING listJalapenoBlack CobraMucho Nacho JalapenoBellPoblanoCaribbean RedChocolate HabaneroAnaheimCayenneTrinidad ScorpionBhut Jolokia Red/Yellow/Chocolate/White/PurpleFataliPequin ChiapasAmigo Diablo Bombay MorichDorset NagaLg Yellow 7 Pot7 Pot RedDouglahBishops Crownand OrnamentalsHere is the FINAL revised list! lol yeah right! Got some slow movers on here...GREEN: planted last night 3...