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  1. E

    Where do you like your burn?

    I like the esophagus burn. Love that warm glowing feeling in the chest.
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    Help ID pepper variety

    Thanks to the people who replied. Is it normal for the Thai Chilli to go that interim deep chocolate colour before ripening though?
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    Help ID pepper variety

    I was recently down at my local market where I found and picked up a lovely pepper plant of unknown variety. All the vendor could tell me was that it was a "hot chili". The plant is about 60 cm tall with 2-4cm upright pods. The pods start off green Then go through to a chocolate colour...
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    Just Got Some Pepper Powder

    My advice is take it slowly. Try not to jump straight straight to the superhots, like bhuts and 7pods. I have been enjoying peppers for many years. Last year was the first time I had a superhot and I was surprised by how hot a superhot actually is. Since you have powders, you can try a small...
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    recipe-help Hot sauce and interesting ingredients

    I made a green sauce earlier this year with apples, mint, peas, green jalapenos, sugar, vinegar, salt, black pepper. Personally I loved it (except it could have been hotter). Can't wait to make a bigger batch early next year when my peppers are ready, cuz it ran out pretty quickly. I made a...
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    Jalapeno Success!

    Those are terrific looking japs.
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    Health Benefits From Hot Peppers?

    I will take peer reviewed, evidence based research over anecdotal evidence any day of the week. On the pro side evidence suggests chillis are packed full of health promoting plant flavonoids and antioxidants, they are implicated in reduction of inflammation, analgesic (pain relief) in topical...
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    Couple dozen photographs from 2010 season

    Those purple peppers look absolutely delicious. Do they taste as good as they look?
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    food Things that do not go well with peppers...

    I brewed up some chilli beer once. I wasn't a huge fan. Also avoid picking your nose after deseeding a pepper.
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    Hello from Oxnard, Ca..

    Welcome. Lots of good info here. You came to the right place.
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    review Skobiyan Sauce Review

    Ha. That's great. I love it when people get the hiccups when trying chili. For me it was a very different kind of burn. It was more of a stabbing kind of pain right at the back of the throat, rather than the a burning kind of pain. All good though. Nice review.
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    G'day from Oz

    Good to know I am not the only one overcome by enthusiasm who acts first, thinks later.
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    Promix USM vs. PGX vs. FPX

    All chili seeds need to germinate is water and warmth. That being said all I did to germinate my seeds this year is place my seeds on damp cotton balls in a black plastic container, put it on my modem router (for heat) and cover it with a book, to keep the light out and keep it humid. Once the...
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    fermenting Jacob's Pepper Mash

    Thanks a lot for this recipe. Looks really good. I am going to have to try that this season.
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    Hello from Miami,Fl

    Hi and welcome from Australia. Can't wait for the pique recipe.
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    G'day from Oz

    Sounds interesting. You just going to just sell the peppers? Make sauce and chilli products? sell plants? Hope it goes well for you.
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    My scotch bonnet plants just started poking their head through the soil the last few days. One is a mutant with three seed leaves instead of two. Thought people might find it interesting.
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    Pumpkin base

    Pumpkin ginger and honey are a heavenly combination. Those would be on my ingredient list for sure.
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    YAY! I haz ripe tomato

    I grew these last year (and growing again this year). Mine were a deep red/chocolate colour. Still ... Should taste great :)
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    Hello From Backwoods Blanchester Oh

    31 one gallon bags of habs? That's a lot. Greetings from Australia.