US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

Are we going to trade packages and send them back around again? :pray:

I have some interesting ghost and scorpion species that I think a few of you would like to try!! :fire:

Unfortunately the BTs are gone, two from our group already swooped in for the kill. :cry:
Are we going to trade packages and send them back around again? :pray:

I have some interesting ghost and scorpion species that I think a few of you would like to try!! :fire:

Unfortunately the BTs are gone, two from our group already swooped in for the kill. :cry:

Well what does everyone want to do? Do we want to trade them as soon as they go thru or do we want to send them around again later in the season when the pods are coming on and everyone has lots of seeds to share?

I am sure those two members are extremely grateful.
I got some good news and some bad news. Good news is a couple varieties from the parcel that I couldn't wait till next year to try are germinating very well. Bad news is Nero is still coughing up blood.

Yes rib kick was a joke!
Back around again - wouldn't that make it Round 3 (well for the A parcel folks anyway). I vote we just make it permanent.
Back around again - wouldn't that make it Round 3 (well for the A parcel folks anyway). I vote we just make it permanent.

Yeah it would be more or less round 3.

What do you mean permanent?

My question was not whether or not to go again but when do we start it? Right away or closer to June - july?

We can also straight up trade or I can even them out or we can look at making a parcel c if there is a large enough demand.
Package B headed to Florida!!! Lookout Datil Patch!

Tracking number 0310 1230 0001 7453 3205

I put a few extra baggies in there. Those thingies aren't the easiest to find!!

Happy Growing!!
Well, round 2 seems to be moving faster than round 1 did, but if we just keep it going (what I meant by permanent) it may be June - July by the time it completes the 2d loop and starts the 3rd.

What do you mean permanent?

My question was not whether or not to go again but when do we start it? Right away or closer to June - july?
My main concern was to see that everyone has access to all the different varieties. I am open to the best idea that accomplishes that task. My needs are small, so I'm just looking for a few odds and ends. I have 550+ superhots growing now and I'm not looking to start any more for season. Everything I collect between now and February will be for the 2012 season.

My main target for next season would be to acquire some choc scorpion seeds. I know one other in our group that feels the same way. For some reason I was unable to germinate the few seeds that I had, but everything else did. Can't wait to try them, this is what makes the hunt so much fun!!
My main concern was to see that everyone has access to all the different varieties. I am open to the best idea that accomplishes that task. My needs are small, so I'm just looking for a few odds and ends. I have 550+ superhots growing now and I'm not looking to start any more for season. Everything I collect between now and February will be for the 2012 season.

My main target for next season would be to acquire some choc scorpion seeds. I know one other in our group that feels the same way. For some reason I was unable to germinate the few seeds that I had, but everything else did. Can't wait to try them, this is what makes the hunt so much fun!!
Ah you pepper wh+re how many nukes do you need?Watch out hot pepper he has issues!
My main concern was to see that everyone has access to all the different varieties. Everything I collect between now and February will be for the 2012 season.

My main target for next season would be to acquire some choc scorpion seeds. I know one other in our group that feels the same way.

In either case whether we switch parcels or just I balance them out, everyone will have access to almost all the varieties. The only ones that wont make it into both parcels are the ones that are very limited, which in reality wont make it very long no matter how they are divided in the parcels.
I really am trying to keep it as fair as possible.

It doesn't matter to me when we start the next round because I agree with you SuperHot, if i cant use them now, I will hang on to them for next season, and more rounds means more varieties.

BUT what I want to know is if everyone feels this way, is everyone ok with having, lets say ~4 rounds in a year and spending ~$25 for shipping? My concern is pricing some members out because of the costs of shipping as well as getting to the point everyone is out of seeds to contribute. If everyone is ok with this, I'll just double check with everyone on parcel A route and ship parcel B out to them when it gets here(because B will be done first.)then, ship A to B then after they go thru, i'll even them out and we will start the official round 3.

Does anyone know anyone else that would like to join? I think the maximum of 10 members per parcel is a good idea to stick will, seems to be working well. I saw that some of our Canadian growers had tried to start trade parcel a while back with no luck, what are everyone thoughts about a parcel C-anada, which would make the trip over the border, travel to everyone up there then back and be recirculated thru the states? And start this with the offical start of round 3, in whenever it falls in june or july.
Sent out package A to Zander this morning.

Tracking number 9405 5036 9930 0048 8042 56

Sorry I didn't get it out Monday as I intended.

well maybe you can make so the people who waited longer get the 2nd parcel first so when a goes to the b group it will go xcsports superhot datilpatch ect so then they can get som varietys first and then the people at the end would have tons to choose from that way everyone is happy
To be honest, I think that the first round gathers up all the donated seeds. The next step is distribution, what's the best way to accomplish this task? How about creating a master seed list and posting it. Everyone could then post their wish lists, and then divide the seeds appropriately. Everyone will then pay for their own postage.

For me the postage part of this hobby is the least incurred expense when compared to the other elements. It's about achieving a goal…to grow the species that I really want!!

I'm just tossing this out there and will go with whatever works best for everyone.
How about creating a master seed list and posting it. Everyone could then post their wish lists, and then divide the seeds appropriately. Everyone will then pay for their own postage.

This is a good idea but the logistics of it are a nightmare, to be honest, it may be faster, but fairness would be impossible to achieve.
I don't think the current system is broken, It may take a little time but ultimately I believe everyone ends up happy. And if round 1 had ended in late Dec., early Jan. as it should have instead of getting lost, this round may have been done by now. and round 3 could be starting. So I will be sticking with the current system.

If your just saving for next year what is the rush Superhot? We should have no problem getting the parcel around at least 2 more full times before Feb when you'll start planting. So lets assume that would be parcel A sometime soon and parcel B again closer to Feb. With the orders and what not changing a little bit each time its almost guaranteed you will find something new, that you maybe after.

My current Plan:
The parcel will go around again soon, I haven't decided if I am going to wait for Parcel A to get here so i can even them out a bit or just ship B immediately.

The official 3 round will start after the parcels go around again, so therefore, I don't think we will be considering new members until then.

We will be sticking with the same setup, but the order is up for debate. Either the same way as it was or reverse order.

After B gets here I may email everyone with a "ballet" to confirm they are continuing with the parcel and to decide anything that is still in the air.
I agree it would be a dispatcher's nightmare!

I thought that might help alleviate some of the shipping costs for those running on lighter budgets. As I stated earlier the postage part of this hobby is the least incurred expense when compared to the other elements.

So I definitely support staying on course and keeping it going the way it is!!

No hurry, I'm just working on next seasons grow list anyways.

God I can't wait for summer, that's when things really start to happen!!
I have been informed that the package should be on its way. :dance:

Sweet, I'll leave the light on!!

Can't wait to see what it's missing so I can fill in some of the holes!!

O-ya, and harvest some of the treasure!! :D