• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
decided to make a start on next years grow, most are in the propagator just waiting on a bit till i start the annuums.   Stuffing scotch bonnet Variegated italian The riddle Jigsaw peach Pasilla bajo Reaper moruga yellow Cayenne purple Lemon reaper Peach tiger Hurt berry Grim reaper Purple striped bhutwrecker Bih x srp smooth Taj mahal pink minion Peach borg 9 Purple bhut wrecker Bbg purple ghostscorpion orange Guwa “x” choc Bhutlah cheesehead choc Chupetinho black Pink tiger x peach bhut Jigsaw x 7 pot x douglah boc peach bbg x monster moruga bhutlah dm x hurtberry white naga viper satans tail peach ghost x joys ghost yellow yellow reaper primotalii choc jigsaw dracula boc x primo cream white moruga .jays pink Boc x reaper  Bangladesh...
Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property
Peppers in the Trees 2021 A Grow Log     I'm back! I joined in 2015-16-17 and had a fantastic run. I got a new job in 2017 as a Commercial Construction Superintendent. I was working a lot and just didn't have time to for gardening. Stress was high but the pay was great. At the time we were living in San Diego with our 4 kids and I had to put my hobbies on the backburner just to LIFE.   Fast forward to Jan, 2021, we are living in Northern California in the ultra rural area that I grew up in, Quincy CA. Life has slowed WAY down. We have horses and a few acres to call our own. Horses have become a big part of our life, especially with my 11yr old daughter. Horse manures was stacking up quick, we produce about 20yds of manure a year.   ...
Some of you may remember me from my glogs of years past, where the misery and anguish and failure have solidified into joy-diamonds centralized entirely in the center of my chest, causing sharp, shooting jolts of excitement throughout my body. *Disclaimer: The above is medical hyperbole. Do not fear for my safety, the universe shall not permit such an easy escape from my torment as death. Well, all that doom and gloom is no more! My hard work has paid off! Bask in my glory! https://ibb.co/t4FbnvX ... BASK!!!!!!!!! BASK DAMN YOU, BASK! There are 4 more of those bad boys currently growing on the plant, each one more equaler in size than the last! "But Wulf, didn't you try growing over 20 plants, with those black jalapenos...
Got the grow room all cleaned out and checked the functionality and all is a go for a February 1 launch.     Pepper List (I will try to note the ones I got from others)   Ghostly Jalapeno Orange (Jeff Contonio) CH Primotalii (Jeff Contonio) Mustard Reaper (Jeff Contonio) Golden Reaper (Jeff Contonio) Lava Scorpion (BD Beatz) White Reaper (Jeff Contonio) JPGS (bpiela) Sugar Rush Striped (Jeff Contonio) Sunrise Scorpion (Crafty Fox) Manzano (Pepper Ben) Tiger Jalapeno (Midwest) Yellow Bell (PaulG) Scorpion (PaulG) Peach Drop (Jeff Contonio)   Purchased Packs   Goliath Jalapeno' Sandia Cajun Belle MexiBell Gypsy Nardello (For my dog.  Last year she ate them off the plant while in stealth mode) Atris AJVarski Pimeto Elite TS Scorpion Yellow...
Hello everyone and thanks for looking at my "Into the Fire" Glog!!   So I started my gardening hobby in my early 20's about 16 years ago now, and though I have played around with many types of flowers/vegis  tomato's is what most of my energy was put into. I loved alll the different colors and types that could be grown which really reminds me of all the exciting Chilli variety's that exist today. A couple seasons ago while looking for some info on a particular type of sweet pepper I stumbled onto a few videos of some people eating super hots (Ghost,Reapers ect..).  After looking into it a little more I figured this would be a very interesting thing to grow even just as a novelty since really no one in my area grows much if anything at...
Kramer Grew a Pepper (Maybe)
Hell, here goes nothing.   January 6: Sow chinense varieties.  I ended up covering with soil but it wasn't deep enough, so quick germination but too many helmet heads.  Reaper, Bhut J, Bih J, Carbonero, Scotch Bonnet, and a couple Cayenne for topping experiment later.     January 12: First germinations.     January 20: First true leaves.  Some turned purple or got crunchy because I read it is good to have lights close up to the seedlings.  Well..it was too much.  Read the mfg instructions and they recommend 40% power 24 inches away for seedlings for 14-16 hours a day.  Oops.     January 26: Potted up some of the leggy ones.     February 6: Potted the rest up last weekend.  No new growth since transplant except a couple of cayenne in...
Decided to put links to my other threads in the first post of my new threads so I can find them easily when looking for information. Did that this year on the first page and it is very handy:   PaulG 2012 PaulG 2013 PaulG 2014 PaulG 2015 PaulG 2016 PaulG 2017 PaulG 2019     So, this thread is sort of a sub-thread to my regular 2019 Grow Log. I am growing ten plants in 3-gallon pots this season. Thinking about this because I want to be able to move them in and out of the garage or greenhouse this Fall in order to extend the season. Plus, I am not sure how much longer I want to wrestle with the big containers. Even wet 10-gallon pots are getting heavier each year, and always having to get help to lift the big containers in and out of...
I wanted to get these photos of some peppers Ive got growing inside posted and figured I'd include them in my 2021 grow log since they are gonna be around for awhile.  These are three of the Scarlett's Chilli X Poblano.  I liked the taste of the F1's and I interested to see what becomes of the F2's.  I got the F1 seeds from PollenNut and posted those photo's in his original topic here:http://thehotpepper.com/topic/73286-f1bc1-free-seed-being-offered/page-8#entry1705015 I started the three of these at the end of October.  Wish I could have started more since these are the F2's but I'm limited on space inside.  (Reserving space for the seed starts of my main grow)   Here are a couple of shots of two of them in the Grodan cubes.  Two of...
bpiela 2021 glog Fingers Crossed
Some time has gone by and I am thinking I might be in the clear.  I am not 100% sure, but to this date, I have not seen any signs of bad pepper virus' or even bugs for that matter so I am going to attempt  to start a glog and hope for the best.   Today, I started potting up my baccatums and some annuums.  My chinense have been potted up and are looking fine.  To start out, here are a pic of my two grow shelves:       I have seen pretty good germination rates this year.  Some of the older seeds didn't do well and if they did germinate, sometimes they were just helmet heads.  As always, I grow too many plants.   Lists to come.
Covering seedlings.
Hi when it's 25 > 30+ C° should I continue to cover my seedlings with the transparent lid with air holes to increase the heat and humidity or just let them have raw sunlight   No second leaf stage yet although one does seem to have 3 first stage leaves?   Images taken yesterday.   Thanks.
I'm back with a experiment!! ID??
It's great to see this forum is still active!! I haven't been active in here since 2013! I have had some plants that had always been know to me a just grove peppers, my family was in the citrus industry and these would always grow wildly in the groves! I was given some seeds and was told they were grove peppers! I have started some seedlings, let's see what happens! Some of my seeds and some of the ones I was given!
2021 Late Glogs
Hey people, New year, new topic for my glogs, I was thinking about starting glogs from the start but forget about it. Anyway, since my greenhouse is now settle and I have started to move plants inside, here is the first picture for 2021. In total there is 51 plants (most of them haven't been yet transferred to greenhouse, I'm planning to do it over the next week), with the following varieties: Hainan Yellow Lantern Purple Bhut Jolokia Carolina Reaper Yellow Bhut Jolokia White Bhut Jolokia Peach Fantomas Multicolor Apocalypse chocolate (etsy) 1 Mojo Frutegum Aji Fantasy Jalapeno Jalmundo Lemon Drop Sugar Rush Stripey Aji Peruvian Orange  CGN 23209 Starfish Cream Fantasy Death spiral Thai Dragon Piri-Piri (from last year) Fatalii (from...
Uknow 2021. It's been a while...
Hey all! Took a while off from posting and didn't grow anything at all last year, sadly. Decided to get something going this year, albeit a lot smaller than my usual grows. Only started 40 plants (double seeds so 80 total) this year on February 25th. Started them in 3.5" pots instead of cells, I figure since im way behind my usual start date of early January, the extra room will help them grow faster and I won't have to transplant them right away. Currently remodeling the house so I had to downsize my setup to make it easier to move around as needed (going to be starting drywall soon). Seeds and varieties this year are all from my 2017 & 2018 seasons (didn't save any from my 2019 grow) and other members. Some from Genitix, Jedi...
Tokyo Off-Season 2020-2021
Crawling back in here, tail between my legs, for another shot at this pepper thing.  :oops:   Last season I ended up... really preoccupied, let's say, and completely screwed up my grow. The outdoor plants were basically ignored, and the tent plants were in tiny starter pots until today, when they finally got brutally pruned and moved to one-gallon coir bags. Basically, all I've accomplished since February is identifying some -- not even all -- of the plants I started at the beginning of the year. Yikes.   But here we are, and after cleaning out the tent and rearranging the lights, I have five sad-ass plants ready to work harder than they should have to so I can eat their babies.     The guy in the middle is almost certainly either a...
Bold Badger 2021
Greetings all.  So this year I've decided to go completely nuts and do 1152 plants, or about double the number I had last year.  Here's the list:   1. old yellow 7 pot 246 (6x41) 2. 2020 yellow 7 pot 246 (6x41) 3. OG ghost 2020 96 (6x16) 4. 7 pot primo 96 (6x16) 5. seasoning pepper 96 (6x16) 6. aji guyana 36 (6x6) 7. orange scorpion 36 (6x6) 8. p. dreadie 96 (6x16) 9. chocolate hab 204 (6x34) total: 1152 (192) The final numbers will be a little different due to some seeds not sprouting and me filling in those pots with extras of other varieties.  The reason for the "6x" notation is I'm using 1020 trays with the 72 pot inserts to start them...
Hop's Grow 2021 - New here so back tracking on progress
Hey Everyone, welcome to my 2021 Glog  :onfire:  I am late to the party but I will do my best to update with the progress I have. Quick backstory, this is my second season and first season in the ground. I moved to a new place at the end of January so I am a bit late to the party and got my seeds started on March 10th (the majority of them at least). I grew about 80 plants last year but they were in beds and buckets. This year I will be sharing with you roughly 600 peppers, 70 ish tomatoes, and other stuff along the way (We have planted tons of stuff so I will update all sorts of stuff but focus will be mainly on peppers). If you are interested in more of what I am growing then please let me know and I will share more of the rest. I...
Dangler 2021
Starting supplies have been received!  :metal: The grow list remains in limbo. Waiting to see what goodies might arrive in the B Train before I call it done.   For now, keeping busy getting 1020 trays and 3.5" nursery pots ready to go.    Planning on starting chinenses in a month.   Targeting in the neighborhood of 120-140 plants for plant out in 2021 ..... similar to the quantity that made it to plant out in 2020.    
Peppers on the move 2020
Unfortunately for me, the start of my pepper season will have to wait until August due to a move. On the plus side, I will be able to get two growing seasons for the next two years. In the mean time, I am getting in my stock and keeping it organized. I am going to change my label tag this season to add more info. This are just placeholders for now.
Fredo's Glog 2019
Trinidad Moruga Scorpions and Sports Pepper from seed. Organic homemade soil grow. All seeds sat in my fridge for 3-4 years so I finally figured i'd grow them out.   These are the TMS at around one week.     Here are the sports peppers at around one week on transplant day May 23.     All plants except half of the TMS repotted.     Remaining TMS repotted and joined with the group on June 2. Notice the size difference on the TMS (top two rows).     Sports Peppers photo taken today June 7.     TMS photo taken today.  
HM's Second Attempt for 2020
OK,   Last grow was decimated by broad mites. It's been 3 weeks since I got rid of all the plants, so that should have been long enough to kill any remaining stragglers that might have fallen off the plants in the grow room. Now, since I'm WAY behind in 2020, I'm starting plants that are good producers - nothing fancy, nor too ambitious - I just want a decent harvest to get some redemption.   Here's the list:   Lemon Drop (superhotchiles.com) - always been interested in this one, never had a chance to grow it. Jalafuego (tomatogrowers.com) - our favorite Jalapeno. We only tried a sample of pickled jalapenos earlier this year, we want more. Pepperoncini (tomatogrowers.com) - Another one for pickling Chichimeca Jalapeno...
catchthebear 2020
A little slow out of the gate this year, but I had some time today to get some seeds dropped this afternoon.   Most everything here has come from trades this year, so a very big thank you to all that have swapped with me.  I also have at least another 100 or so varieties I plan to start very soon.  Will likely start those at work and not keep tabs on them as much until they're a bit larger, so those will probably show up in this Glog some point further down the line.     Here's what I got rolling today as well as some photos.  Thanks for scoping it out!   7 Pot Gravedigger Red Aji Confusion BJh-3 Purple Thunder Bellingrath Gardens Bhut X Neyde Black Naga X Peri Peri F2 Blue Mystery C. Eximium White Flower C. Galapagonese CGN 19198 CGN...
Hey everyone, I am starting a grow log to help encourage me and help me manage my new executive dysfunction troubles. This past May, I was assaulted and robbed and suffered my 6th tbi, nerve damage in my c6, and a torn shoulder labrum. I am still recovering from the injury. And I have a lot of long term health struggle including seizures nearly every day. One thing I am going to do to help my executive dysfunction disorder and help my rehabilitation is a grow log. I have tried in the past but as a 6 time brain injury survivor, growing peppers before was hard. This will be my first try since this injury. I am rehabilitating in college at Community College of Philadelphia studying computer science. I actually got a perfect on my intro to...
Hi THP,   I have a confession... It's been a loooooong while since I've last posted.  Ever increasing family responsibilities killed off my gardening time in the recent past years.    However, with the 2020 pandemic cancelling my normal plans, my kids sporting events and other responsibilities, I finally managed to finally get my but into gear and get my yard landscaped and some raised garden beds built.   Last year was decent, it was a good first attempt at a return to vegetable gardening.  I managed to finish my raised garden beds in time to get a decent crop of Fatalii's harvested along with a decent crop of tomatoes.    This years 2021 garden with plenty of lead-time, and a 100% survival rate on my 3 attempted overwinter peppers is...
CD's Offseason Season 2020-2021
I've been wanting to get an off-season glog for while now, so I bit the bullet and got things organized and some pictures taken over the past few days.  I have a mix of plants currently, including continued indoor plants; some just started; OW's I cleaned and quarantined and will be actively growing inside; and OW's that will simply be sustained until warmer months.   I'll kick things off with a cool gift a friend sent me the other day.  I haven't had an advent calendar since probably elementary school days and I've certainly never had one like this before:   The 25 hot sauces of christmas.  Now, I can go through hot sauce quickly, but I'm not sure I can go through it bottle-a-day quickly ;)   The new starts should have been planted...
Hey Everybody!   So, I really only have two full seasons under my belt, before taking a multi-year break from the garden. During which time I have moved to a new residence. Then, 2020 happened and I realized that I was not taking action into hobby anymore and it allowed my mental health to suffer. Then I remembered how much I love growing peppers and here we are!   And thanks to a couple members in this forum and a first order with Refining Fire Chilies, it's time to finally start a grow log and share my experience!   Here is the small list of peppers I am growing this year, and the dates the seeds were dropped:   Thor's Hammer Peach (x2) (02/01/2021) White Moruga Scorpion (x2) (02/01/2021) Dragon's Breath (02/01/2021) Sugar Rush...
Quebo's second attempt at growing peppers
Two years ago I planted some jalapeno's and had a thread about it here. I managed to harvest 30 - 40 peppers that year which was nice, but there was a lot of room for improvement. I also planted some habaneros and scorptions that year but too late in the season so they never managed to blossom.   Some time has passed and I'm ready for a second attempt, starting very early this year.   I planted seven types today:    - cayennes  - green curries  - Aji Omnicolor  - Habanero Yellow Super F1  - Bhut Jolokia Chocolate  - Chinese 5 Color -  Scorpions   I posted them in soil for tomato's, hope thats okay. They are on a heated propagator by a window with a lot of light :) Each separate container has 6 seeds in it of the same type.
Every year.  Every goddamn year.   "Hold that football tight this time, alright Lucy?" "You got it Charlie Brown, come give it a real good kick."   I know you can't grow peppers in Canada.  The people who say you can are just filthy liars, lying all the lie-long day.  Yes, even you.  You know who you are.  You liar.   But for some reason I feel compelled to try.   You know those shows about people with weird afflictions, where they're sitting there eating their couch, or their laundry detergent?  Well, I'm a lot like that, except those fuckers look at me, their mouths crammed full of blue-powdered couch stuffing, saying "dude, you ca't gwow peppuhs id cadada, aw you toopid?"   Yes, DetergentFlavoredStuffingEater72, I am stupid.   Stupid...
Pimental 2020 Glog
This is my first attempt at a glog, so yell at me if I do something wrong...   In an earlier thread, I said I'd start a glog if I was successful at getting any seeds to sprout - and indeed I was!   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/73008-first-from-the-seed-year-some-questions/     Because this was a mix of seeds, some of which I thought I'd killed, I technically don't know what they are. But since they all came up at the same time, my guess is that they're the fresh seeds of Aji Pineapple I'd added to the mix of probably fried ones.   Some themes for the season: I won't have a lot of money to spend on stuff until summer time. So I'm going to be "cheap", and you probably won't like it, but if I can get at least a few unique plants to grow...
Mildfruits 2020 hydroponic
Hi all!    This is my second grow blog. You can find the first one here.  I bought a lot of new equipment enough to warrant a new grow blog.  Quick intro: Due to lack of outdoor growing space I've had to get creative with indoor growing without soil.    I grow mainly with grodan blocks with automatic watering, from a nutrient tank using masterblend.    Things that have changed from my last glog:  I have bought another tent and light.  I have started growing tomatoes indoor.  New seeds!  Also not mentioned in my last glog, but my lights and fans are controlled by a device called Shelly. Useful in everyday home automation, controllable from your phone with timers and monitoring.    Lets get started with some pictures!  Heres my new...
Hey guys, Im relatively new to the gardening game, so Im looking forward to learning from all you pros. I love growing a wide variety of things but the peppers are what really gets me excited. This will be my 5th year gardening so Ill be expanding the list beyond jalapeños and sweet peppers, and see how the super hots treat me. Due to moving, I made the mistake of placing my seedlings in with my overwintered plants. All was well until the older plants started showing signs of mite damage. I immediately sprayed a miticide on the OW, and a very light neem/soap mix on the seedlings. I think the mites are under control and the mature plants will bounce back just fine. My concern are the seedlings. Ive never had to deal with mites on...
Cold country, small balcony, grow accordingly 2020
Hello and a warning: this is going to be boring and small grow located in finland, mainly for keeping record.   This is my 4th or 5th season and 2nd in the same appartment. I have a small windowed balcony facing so, that in the summer sun hits it from ~12 to late evening between 18-22 if I remember correctly.   Last summer I had 2x aji fantasy, 2x harold st bart as main plants, then amashito wild and moruglah in a more shady spot. Results were nice for aji fantasies, got around 2kg overall from them and maybe 500+g from harolds. This year I'm not going to waste space with  chinenses, the conditions just aren't there.   This years grow will be: 2x Challuaruro 2x Jalapeno orange spice 1x aji fantasy x harold st bart (if seeds viable, own...
tsurrie's 2020 glog
So I decided to soak seeds this time, finally, and I hope it will increase the germination rate, since last year rate was not so good anymore. Hope it helps just a bit....     Here are:   - Kapija's   - Kapija x Palermo   - Aji Umba   - Chupetinho   - Habanero Chocolate   - Habanero Golden   - Caribbean Red Habaneros   - Moruga Trinidad Scorpion   - Rocoto   Maybel I'll add some later but this is the list for now.
Cygnus' First Grow
It's my first time growing peppers and I chose an unfortunate time of year to germinate seeds, but I figure I'll try to keep them alive over winter for next spring, or if things go poorly I'll start some new plants in the spring with a little experience under my belt.   I sowed the seeds on 9/3 and 9/4 and have had intermittent germination through today. So far 15 out of 18 seeds have germinated. I planted the seeds in a 2:2:1 mix of happy frog soil:coco coir:perlite. The soil wasn't sterile and I saw a little bit of mold formation in some of the cups when they were under ziploc humidity domes, but I just scooped it out and haven't seen any issues arise from it (unless the seeds that haven't germinated succumbed to the mold).   I've had...
Bold Badger 2020 Grow Log
Greetings again.  As you may recall, my harvest last year was pretty terrible.  I wound up with three carboys of mash, which has been fermenting since October.  I'm planning to bottle that within the next month or so.  I'll probably just be doing Dragonfire and Smokehouse, although one of the 3 carboys is all jalapenos, so I'm really curious to see how that one turns out.  I also pickled about 30 half pint jars, which turned out amazing.  I definitely want to start selling those this year.  On that front, I sold about 1000 bottles online and at various farmers markets and events.  I'm now down to 8 cases of the plum sauce (which won 2nd place in the fruit-based category in the THP awards).   Partly because last year was so...
StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020
Welcome to another chapter in the great series of the Stettomans comedic gardening adventures! Come along, follow the antics of a guy makin' it up as he goes, having some luck, some not-so-much, and more than his share of whining about a fleepin' 3 month growing season! No telling what we'll see, Stetto's grows is always full of surprises and absurdities....   I almost named the thread the He should Know Better Grow, but I do and I'm going to go through with it anyway....   No list yet, but I put these Rocoto Amarillo to plug today to get a head start--I've decided to give them a full row in the half of an 8th acre, which I didn't plant at all last season. It was that bad up here...No corn, no beans, no lettuce, NO TUBERS...
Siv's second time lucky? 2020 Glog
And so it begins:   From left to right: Growdown Fatalii - Seed Savers Exchange Kang Starr Lemon Starburst - Pepper Donkey [new for 2020] Bahamian Goat - Pepper Donkey Sugar Rush Peach - Pepper Donkey Dorset Naga - Pepper Donkey [new for 2020] Piri Piri - All Good Things [new for 2020] Peppadew - THP seed train (I think) [new for 2020] Turbo Pube - fataliiseeds.net [new for 2020] Datil - THP Seed Train White Ghost - Pepper Donkey Purple Thunder - PaulG [new for 2020] Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion - WHP (I think) [new for 2020] Solid Gold But - saiias [new for 2020] All the seeds look pretty good other than the piri piri which seem small and darker than expected. We'll see how it does. Overall, I think I have a good mix of...