• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Siv's fourth time around...
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 I thought it's about time I started this season. It's been an uncharacteristically sustained period of below freezing temps at night over the last month which has definitely killed all chilli plants that I grew last year. When it warms up a little, I will have to go out and clean everything up in preparation for this year. So this time I thought I'd be extra lazy and bought these 100 seed rockwool trays rather than the 1"cubes I usually use. Two lots in a 1020 tray gives me 200 seeds with the hope of getting 30 or so plants. It's sitting on the heating mat set to 85F with the dome on and no lights for the moment. The plan is to fish them out once they pop and go straight to net pots or soil (assuming the weather...
Sideshow Gardens Grow Log.
Here's where it all starts at Sideshow Gardens. The seedling room. Heat and humidity controlled. The trays will only spend a couple days here til they get moved outside. Our daytime temps have been wonderful lately but night time temps are still pretty low so they all get brought back inside at night. Quite the chore since the seedling room is upstairs and I currently have way more trays than what is pictured. I've started tomatoes and peppers so far but that accounts for only a quarter of what I'll be growing. Stay tuned for further updates. Thanks for looking!
OZZZ 2022
Hey everyone. Recently we moved to Arizona and this is my first time trying to grow outdoors here so we will see how it goes. We got here last year in June and for experimental purposes I planted a cayenne, scotch bonnet and a morouga scorpion that overwintered naturally outdoors and are still going now, although they don’t look the best. I planted them late last year so the SB and the morouga didn’t produce anything at all, but the cayenne was productive. Now the SB from last year is loaded, while the morouga produced only a single pepper so far. In January or February I started a bunch of others, another MOA, a fatalli, yellow 7 pot, Caribbean Red, and a red 7 pot. I have them all in white ceramic pots and I tapped into my...
Plantguy76 2022
[ Over Winter 2021] 3 - serrano's Are supposed to be five for sure Trippaul Threat Peach F3 But there are 3 I know for sure are Trippaul peach two tall ones & a short one in the kitchen all three of those have this tree thing going on then there these two that are different. I know that once there outside they will start to turn purple as they was for the short time they was out So it will sort itself out. 1 Jamaican Red Hab 2 Peach Hababon F2 or possibly back to F1 crossed with unknown cap annuum Total pepper plants 11 [2022 Peppers] [capsicum chinense] Papper Lantern OP - CraftyFox Jamaican Red Hab A++ 2019 - Paul G [Capsicum Annuum] Possibly Jamaican Mushroom specially selected for UFO pheno type form 2017 Ive been...
I have seeds ready for 2022. Will start by reviewing varieties from past seasons, then discuss what I am growing in 2022. 2019: Orange Habanero: delicious. Will grow again at some point. Shishito: Nice peppers, but will not grow again. 2020: Trinidad pimento: excellent pepper, will try to keep my freezer permanently stocked with this variety Trinidad perfume: Nice pepper, will probably grow periodically in the future. Red foodarama scotch bonnet: I enjoyed this pepper, but I preferred both of two red varieties I grew in 2021, will not grow again. Of note, taste had minimal resemblance to the foodarama yellow. Foodarama yellow scotch bonnet: Nice scotch bonnet with classic Jamaican scotch bonnet flavor that you would get in a...
SineNomine 2022
It is time to start the new growth for 2022. Link to my grow log 2021. Last fall I kept a Tepin x Lemon Drop plant that I tried to grow as a bonchi. He's not the best candidate for that, but he looks pretty good. It even has a flower that seems to turn into a pod. I will sow C. Chinense on February 20 and C. Annuum on March 6. Here is the growth list: Suspended pots: - Fatalii - V1 2021 / Semillas - 3 - Fatalii - PaulG - 2 - Purple Thunder F4 yellow/caramel - PaulG / Pepper Guru - 2 - Trippaul Threat F3 yellow - PaulG - 1 - Papa Dreadie SB - Sawyer - 4 - Aji Jobito - Semillas - 3 - Farm Locoto - Samaipata - Pepper Guru -1 (Growdown Throwdown 2022) I hope the seeds arrive soon. The envelope has been sent for a month Floor pots: -...
Mildfruit 2022. Greenhouse edition.
Oh boy, here we go again. I joined this lovely forum back in 2018, been a lurker much longer though. At that time I was a student living in a small apartment, trying to learn all I could about indoor growing. Mostly because I didn't have outdoor space, and when I had a hobby that demanded I grew something, I had to get creative. I loved the control of growing indoor, and trying to create optimal growing conditions for the plants. However, late last year I bought my first house with a garden, and fortunately I got a greenhouse as a birthday present from my girlfriend and friends. So my dream of growing plants in a greenhouse is finally coming true! The gear: Unfortunately this isn't from my garden, this is the picture from the website...
thoroughburro 2022, conclusions
My first big season is winding down, and I’ve learned a lot… both about pepper cultivation and my own personal preferences. My biggest issue was watering manually and thus unevenly. In the worst of the heat, most containers dried out every day, even watering every morning. It was necessary this year, but I think it caused a lot of nutrient uptake issues, blossom end rot, and similar niggles. I hope to use a dripline, next year, and expect this single change to result in greatly increased performance. I planted two individuals per container in most cases, to increase genetic diversity. This worked fine, for the most part: with a few exceptions, both individuals grew equally well and the per container productivity seemed unaffected...
tsurrie's 2022 glog
Hey there. I'm just posting to let you know I'm still kicking, but with an even smaller grow. Only nine pots this season, three of them are habanero (two Calita Red's and Red Savina - I think) I got them in local nursery after all my seedlings stopped growing suddenly :confused: I only managed to grow my own tomato plants this season and some cucumbers - will probably add the photos from the garden later this month, after some weeding :P Red Savina? and Calita Red - looks like they'll grow some pods for me the lineup - three on the right are habaneros this one is annum and is a yellow variant of Chili As - good for pickling but reds are tastier
JJJ Glog 2022 Preview
State of the Garden -Late Fall 2021 The whole of the fenced garden is 60x70 with 6" wove wire 8' tall Starting last fall, we built the first beds inside the newly leveled and fenced garden area. Garlic, shallots and a few fall greens were planted immediately. This spring about 3/4 of the fenced area was put into typical garden vegetable production. An additional 15x38' area was temporaily fenced and hand tilled for a crop of sweet corn and is currently in diakon radish for cover. 14 cuyd of mushroom compost were delivered last year, and 14 yd of Tru-leaf compost this year. I had 4-8' beds made in spring 2020 or prior that were brought inside the fenced area -compost and all. Only a few yards of the Tru-leaf remain unused. The bed...
Bumper's 2022-23 Australian grow
Hi everyone, My first chilli grow since 2017!! It's been a long time since I have been on here, I had a bad fall which shattered my elbow, snapping bones, tearing ligaments and all that fun stuff, so life went sideways for quite a while. But I'm now able to grow again and in the garden happily hanging with the birds and bees in Spring. Less so the ongoing minor flooding with all the rain down here, but it is shaping up to be a heck of a growing season in southern Australia. Fresh seeds from The Hippy Seed Co. Neil and Charlotte are awesome, their stock always grow true for me. 3 x Naga-bon, 1 x chiro de norte, 2 x aji pineapple, 1 x yellow siam and 2 x japanese takanotsume. All enjoying their first day of full sunshine in their new...
Hellfire Farm 2022
Time to get ready for 2022! Hybird Commercial/personal glog I suppose, I'll track everything. Preparing the starter area today & Sunday. Super-hots get started next week. Plastic is to protect the lights on the shelves below from possible drips while watering. The boxes are warming mats, something new I'm trying this year. Super-hots get started next week: Carolina Reaper - 490 Bhut Jolokia - 490 Habanero - 280 Yellow Reaper - 100 Dragon's Breath - 70 Habanada - 105 "Where's the Heat" habanero - 100 (first year trial) I include the habanada with the super-hots because it's growth habit is similar - slow to germinate and slow to grow at first. Big Jim, Sahuaro Anaheim, Serrano Tampiqueno, Poblano Carranza for myself getting...
OK, I know this is late in the season but having just registered on this forum I thought it was better late than never.   This year my aims are: Grow a wide range of varieties that I’ve not grown before to find some new favourites. Attempt some new crosses because it’s fun to try them even if they don’t all succeed or result in anything desirable. Grow out some crosses I’ve been working on over recent years.   Growing methods being used: Vast majority of these are growing outside in containers in the UK, so not the longest season and variable weather to contend with. I’ve found keeping the containers slightly smaller improves the chances of getting ripe pods in our climate when growing outdoors. A small number of plants in smaller...
Next to My Chair - Bowls of Bonnets
Starting chili peppers here next to my chair in my little library again! :dance: This one-windowed room at the southeast corner started as a place to read quietly and store my books. Over the last few years it's become not only my refuge, but also a WFH office, a light workshop, and a productive year-round indoor garden. The place has become commensurately cluttered and is badly in need of an exceptionally ruthless purge, so I fished out an old shot of a tidier time to head this year's glog on our spiffy new forum. (Siv's plant!!) (So spartan!) Ah.. It looks more like some hermit's rat hole in a cyberpunk novel now, lol. You'll see it eventually, I'm sure. I've got enough superhot powder stocked up to go to war and I luurve...
thoroughburro 2022
Many thanks to those who indulged in my long winnowing process. I had assumed space would be my limiting factor, but it was calculating how much soil would cost that convinced me to narrow my focus yet again. After some heartbreaking cuts, the plan is now locked in! I just put the first seeds in for an H2O2 soak in advance of sowing tomorrow. Let’s go! Jigsaw, seen here edited in from June 2022, became iconic of the grow Notes Numbers refer to desired number of containers per variety Two individuals per container, to increase diversity 5 gallon containers, unless noted Sowing Schedule Sat Jan 8 2 Capsicum flexuosum, wild Sat Feb 5 4 NuMex Trick-or-Treat 4 Ají Dulce Rojo 4 Ají Dulce Margariteño Yellow 4 Hot Paper Lantern 4...
Norwegian Kratky Grow 2022
Hi Everybody, and welcome to this growlog! I'm always looking for input and feedback! I grow in Kratky hydro for the first time, so this should be a steep learning curve! So far I have about 70+ varieties in this grow tent (3x2m) but some plants will move to new locations as we move along. My biggest concern isn't really that I have WAY too many plants for my limited space, my concern is all the fantastic seeds and varieties I haven't started yet :) If I don't start them soon it's so late for this season. Would love to grow some more rocotos etc The outdoor season in Norway is short and cold, so growing peppers here you have to be an optimistic idiot like me, and be prepared to use a lot of time and energy for every fruit you...
Rich's 2022 Log
Figured that since I'm pretty new at this, and as it's also the first time I'm starting peppers (or anything) from seed that I'd take a run a creating a grow log. Hopefully, this will capture a wildly successful season, or, more likely, will serve as a reminder to me of things I did this year that I should change or improve upon for next year. :) Here are the seeds that I have sown thus far: I have not yet received a couple more varieties that I'm going to start -- KS Lemon Starrburst, and Purple Thunder (from @PaulG.) I'm starting all of these in my new to me IDOO 12 pod unit (mixed grow with some herbs and tomatoes thrown in......). Here is the state of my peppers thus far: I've got one pod of Bubblegum that should hook...
Walchit 2022
I wasn't going to do a garden this year, because I'm trying to get this Yukon back on the road, but I couldn't resist, lol. I have 4 bhuts and 4 jalapeños I picked up. Also some tomatoes and yellow squash, and a raised bed that I poked a bunch of bean seeds into. Want to get a couple pumpkins and some corn going too.
This is the beginning of my 2022 Pepper journey. I grow my peppers in open fields in Alsace, France. In 2022 I will add a hoop house to my growing arsenal (3 by 6 meters) 2022 will be my 3rd season of starting my chillies from seed. The year 2021 has been rather mixed, mainly because of the weather which has been very rainy all summer, I hope it will be a little warmer in 2022, fingers crossed! I'm trying to keep my list pretty short for 2022, and the first seeds are already in my aerogarden. Already in the Aerogarden: 2 x Capsicum Flexuosum Failed 2 x Capsicum Tovarii Failed 2 x Capsicum Lanceolatum Failed I got my wild chili seeds from fataliiseeds during a promotion he was doing to buy a tractor for his farm. I'm not a fan of...
Alex_K - 2021/2022
Hi! I'm Alex from Brazil! Some old members might remember me... I make some seeds exchange here back in 2009. Had about 40 pepper plants but after the end of the season they suffered from massive whiteflies attack and I lost mostly of them... frustrated I gave up on growing peppers plants but this year I decided to start again I bought seeds from TexasHotPepper, HRSeeds and MK hope this time to be successful. Yeah my english is quite bad but I hope can understand each other!!! :oops: For now my list is: (C. chinense) Puma Habanada Naga BBG7 Orange Big Olive Mama Big Mustard Mama (gift) Jays X Purple PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques (White) BTR Scorpion Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion Bleeding Borg 9 Papa Joes Scotch Bonnet KS Lemon Starrburst...
DontPanic 2022
And we're off and running... I started these on February 4th. Without heat, things are progressing a little slowly. But I think I'm seeing something in every cell. Here's my grow list for 2022, starting with my AeroGarden seedlings... From Refining Fire Chiles: (2) Piment d'Espelette (2) Dieghito Jalapeno (An Italian Jalapeno-like pepper) (2) Rayados Jalapeno (2) Senise (Peperoni di Senise, supposedly comparable to Hatch chilies) (2) Malawi Piquante (closely related to the PeppaDew) From Pepper Guru for the 2022 GrowDown ThrowDown: (3) Farm Locoto From my own saved seeds: (3) San Isidro Rocoto (3) Orange V3 (Some kind of cross from a Volunteer I grew last year.) (2) Volunteer 1.2 (no name yet, another Volunteer cross from...
The 2022 PM Grow Log
PM 2022 Grow Log - 2021 GLOG Well its 2 weeks to start date for us here. We wanted to share with you some of the new peppers we have growing. A lot happened in 2021 that changed how we will approach 2021, but we will still be doing grow bags and added a plot for next years grow. The list of peppers is ever updating as the last seeds roll on in. Cheers THP, I will update this as we go! For now a quick shot of what plants we have growing in the tent. This Ninfadora is just blowing me away with its foliage.
bpiela's very very late 2022 glog
Jumping right to the garden. I started everything late this year. Getting good results in my containers. Here is one section of containers. All of these plants were small plants coming out of the gate on May 15th. They are filling up nicely. One of my Pink Biquinho's Love the standard Yellow Biquinho's Purple Reaper plant that I purchased from Cross Country Nurseries. The plant was topped early on, not purposely. Some animal ate the top of the plant off. It has recovered well. I had bought seeds from Lawrence Family Farms for the Brown Bhut. These are looking a tad purplish. More photos to come.
Start Me Up - 2022
The Rolling Stones, Nissan Stadium, Nashville, Oct. 9, 2021. My 13th (and possibly final) Stones show. My first peppers for this season are starting to emerge and get transplanted waiting for spring to come. I took a cutting of the Scotch Bonnet Marabella Market Caramel that I had success with last year and put it a one gallon fabric pot. I'll either transplant the whole thing or take another cutting later on when it's about 8 weeks out from planting outside. See this post here for last year. The first transplants: Scotch Bonnet HSH (see this post) Chocolate Bhutlah CS (Bohica Pepper Hut) MA Purple (Texas Hot Peppers) More to come...
Petrac 2020
So, last year growing season was a blast for me. I hope this year it wont be much different. I ordered seeds from 2 different companies, one pacage arrived this week. First four in the list are now in the soil. I had to stop myself from ordering more seeds..Its just so addictive looking through all this stuff..   Seed list:   Chocolate Habaneros (seeds from last year) Hungarian hot wax (gift seeds) Bhutlah chocolate Mulato isleno Serrano del sol Ring of fire Brazilian starfish Lemon drop Carolina reaper Brown Rocotto
PepperSproutFarm 2022
Another year has begun. This year as the last season comes to an end. Tonight Jan2 is our first frost of winter. So as I'm thinking of the grow season ahead. I am also pulling my final harvest. Had a terrible 2021 season due to Hurricane Ida. But I learned a lot about preparing for such an event. Still working on this year's list but do have several varieties that I will be germinating today. Yellow rocoto Big Chocolate Mama 7 pot primo 7 pot Douglah Red Naga Brain Red Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Death Spiral Mustard habanero with thick wall (pheno hunt for a friend) Final harvest pic.
2022 SB Container Glog
This year I will be doing all container plants after letting my garden fall under to the Bermuda grass. Maybe I will get in there and go all scorched earth but for now I will do what I can on my patio. Seed sowed Feb 11, as of yesterday all except one had germinated. Those were some 5 year old banana peppers I was trying to get rid of, not sure if they will germ., but no harm if not. I have plenty other spares to take it’s place. The plan is to harden off in the next couple of weeks and have everything outside by mid March. Wish me luck!
Well...I am not planning on having much to write home about this year...been busy. However I do have some seedlings Bonnets that Bou so kindly sent me and P.Dreadie from John S...thanks again friends for the seeds. Jamaican SB Bou Faria SB Bou Mushroom SB Yellow Bou P.Dreadie SB John Sawyer Mariwiri Wiriwiri For wilds..Got another seedling Tovarii too and many of my fav wild C.Galapogeonse seedlings.. ...my Cardenasii and OLDER Tovarii from CD are hanging in and my as is my C.Flexuosum ..will get some pixs in here soon. No lanceolateum...just no luck helmet head &all...and that was a bummer :( of course my signature Wiri's are in there...have some other OWs to add as the weather perks up...I just need to get in the groove.
johnwilliamhunter 2021-2022
Hello all, I feel like this will be embarrasing but what the hell :). Caysan flower, actually two from the first branching node. My two oldest, Jalapenos in the ground and have been in a war with the slugs. Another two Jalapenos in 300mm pots, and another 4 in 175mm pots. What's interesting is all six of these have two flowers and three branches at the first branching node. Three Caysans, starting to flower, (you can ignore the other three they are "sweet peppers"). Then twelve little Cayennes growing up. It occured to me this wasn't enough plants and although it's late I still planted some seeds. Jalapeno. Caysan. Thai. New arrivals. I'm still getting nights as cold as 5C (41F), and days as hot as 30C (86F)...
2022 Big things happening!
Still a week away from starting the full seasons line up. Figured I’d thoroughly track my season here since I’m doing a couple growouts/comparative grows. This season is mostly going to be for sauce and powder since our freezer is full of frozen chiles still (stays stocked). Main plants for this season will be: Piri Piri (7 different sources) Bangalore Whippets Tail Numex Suave Orange Jalapeño Chocolate Douglah MustardGum Nagabrain Habanero El Remo Saco de Velho Have others picked out also but will update once I get everything picked out and starting in their trays. First set will be Jan 1st, second set around Jan 18-25. More updates soon to follow! Happy growing!!