• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Tokyo Tent Tribulations 2023-2024
Well here we go again! After my friend @Alejandro took the last two plants off my hands (Jamaican red hab and sugar rush cream), I'm starting from scratch for the first time in a while. Very, very humble beginnings: One sprout and one hook! Granted... they're both basil. :) Still under the lid, waiting for hooks: Alma paprika Looking forward to having these again. I grew them quite a while ago and had good results; hopefully, having gotten a bit better with the hydroponics, this time will be even better. Chocolate habanero Another one I've grown before (not looking to do much new this time around, mostly bringing back the old favorites). I know annuum x chinense isn't the most reliable mix, but if I decide to revive the hybrid...
2019 Hay Bale Pepper Patch
I've been a member for a while but never posted a grow log. My usual garden is too boring for that. I use 20-30 pots and overwinter my mama plants in a hillbilly winter shelter. Our ground here isn't good for in soil gardening and I've not been enthused enough to undertake the work and expense to build raised beds.   Now I have my peppers working the way I want and have the need for a much larger grow to supply a project. The main peppers I'll grow will be reaper, douglah and fatalii. For a couple of years I'll do hay bale gardens and heap tons of organic trash into the area. I have monumental amounts of pine straw, oak leaves and bonfire ash every year to dump in the walkways. I think this will do a world of good to make this new...
PaulG 2024
Links to my Grow Logs: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Trippaul Threat Community Grow Purple Thunder Community Grow Wild, Indeed Community Thread Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community Thread Dwarf Chiltepin 'Hermosillo', Semillas la Palma 2022 Time to quit dragging my feet and get this season underway. Last season was OW plants only with two exceptions. This year I am growing all new plants from seed gathered from my 2022 harvest and limited to Tepin and Chiltepin varieties. If the spirit moves me I might try for some OW chinenses varieties later on.
GyO presents: '24 BONNET BONANZA + revenge of the fifth
confession: your very own @growyourown calls himself a pepper lover and has never grown scotch bonnets! BLASPHEMOUS, i know; i intend to rectify this in 2024. i have several varieties to try, and am excited to do so. i just gotta write this now partially because i have the seeds and i'm excited, and also because if i get this intro crap out of the way, it's a quick post to make once i actually drop seeds over christmas. HERE'S THE SEEDS I BOUGHT FOR THE YEAR (note asterisks): bonnets: scotch bonnet trinidad red 900k * scotch brains yellow 1M+ scotch bonnet 6-colour mix: --choc/peach/red/orange/yellow/safi others: chin – fatalii yellow 900k chin – congo black X butch t choc 1.1M ** pube – rocoto giant yellow 50k frut – hijo puta...
Doug's 2025 grow
Cool list coming. I found some neat things this year. Pic is of my favorite pepper of 2024, I have watched this one grow for months praying it would ripen. It's my favorite pepper I have ever grown. It's a giant chocolate habanero, probably a Jamaican hot chocolate variety. I'm going to grow this one out for a long time hopefully because I want this one to be my legacy. Call it Ripple.
“Okay, I reckon the hare gets fucked”
Here we go again. Summer 2021 : I hand pollinated some Aji Ahuachapan (aka CAP 220) flowers with Hallow’s Eve pollen. I was hoping to create a hybrid with the taste and production of the Aji (a favorite of mine) but on a dark plant bearing hotter fruits. I didn't use mini Ziploc bags or any other pollen "barriers" because I wanted to prevent the pollinated flowers from overheating and then falling off. A fruit finally formed on one of them so I thought my first cross was born! Next year (2022). I grew a single F1 plant. The foliage was beautiful with its dark margins and veins, as were the stems. The flowers looked great too, showing characteristics of both species. Unfortunately, the fruits took too long to ripen and frost came...
Plantguy76 2024
Zapotec Jalapeno (Baker Creek 2023 Seed extra pack I saved for 2024 ) https://www.rareseeds.com/pepper-hot-jalapeno-zapotec Piranha SB ( variant of Marion's SB seeds form RFC ) Since this is a variant I will refer to it as Marion's Scotch Bonnet red . I got the Marion's Red SB because I liked the flavor & heat profile I grew seed once of papa dreadie of Erin seed stock shared by Gary Montcalm back then . My was red it looked just like a papa dreadie only red & form what remember it flavor & heat was like this one. The other varieties was gifted as freebies form Jim. So I am growing them out I will need to bring my containers over for some of these etc https://www.superhotchiles.com/product/piranha-pepper-seeds/?v=7516fd43adaa...
P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016
Long-time THP veterans mourned the loss last August of Amarillo, Texas musician/songwriter/silversmith/chilehead Erin Mason, known to us here on the boards as P. Dreadie. Erin was an enigma, one of the most interesting and creative, yet gentle and loving guys I ever knew. Many of us may be unaware that he played harmonica in one of the original Austin, Texas bands of the early 1970s "Cosmic Cowboy" era, Alvin Crow and the Pleasant Valley Boys. When Erin decided to step off of Alvin's perpetually-touring bus and return to Amarillo, he travelled to Jamaica, fell in love with the Reggae beat, collected the best Scotch Bonnet fruit he could find, and his alter-ego Papa Dreadie was born. In 2013 Erin sent me a few pods of the Scotch...
Hadanero's Lanco Pepper Grow 2024
So, we're finally in a house and I'm getting ready for my first growing season with an actual yard. The patio back in Málaga was wonderful and never had snow, but I'll be able to grow more than four pepper plants at a time here. I'm not germinating any seeds for the spring just yet, but I did put together a little indoor germination station and started three varieties that'll go into mini-Kratky systems, and one that'll go into a 5-gal Kratky bucket. Never tried hydroponics before, but thought this was a good chance to get my feet wet. The varieties are: Peruvian White Habaneros and Yellow MOA Scotch Bonnets from Midwest Chile Heads, as well as Aji Ayuyo and Er Jing Tao from CaneDog. My heating mat is a cheap one off the shelf from a...
Good afternoon. Here the weather is hot and sunny and has been realy warm for several weeks now. Spring is here. The plants from last year and the year before are growing like weeds. The first flowers of the Jalapeños is almost open and the bell peppers are also making some buds. The chillies that is now going for their seventh season is going strong too. This year we have about 25 types growing. A first for us. Later I will post some pictures. Greetings
Marturos 2024 Glog.
It's that time of the year, cold & gloomy outside, & inside the magic is happening. Those little green pepper plants are pushing up towards the artificial sun. Who came up first? The early Jalapeño, Serrano, & the Sugar Rush Stripy. A little game we play LOL. This is the best set up we have ever had before. 4 LED grow lights 2 heating mats, room stays at 66 F at night & 74 F during the day. With 22 varieties & 50 plants we hope to have a real special grow for the 24 season, with a lot of great tasting peppers. 😀 When I joined THP I had just moved from Fluorescents lights to the new LED lights. Outside everything is about the same, it's the indoor adventure that has changed for the better. Compact high output...
2024 Glog :(
Well all my stuff got wiped out by mice. What else is their to say. Last year Grasshoppers wiped out many peoples gardens as well as mine. Sine of the times ??? Peppers, Corn, the only thing they didn't like was my Acorn Squash. Its on my porch flowering and has three fruit. Got about five pepper plants on the porch that survived the Aphid wars, most others did not. About 20 pots from last year. Might start a few seeds again, gonna rely on some store versions for now. Night temps still below 0c at times and their calling for snow now and then. Had a bit of hail this morning but only lasted a couple minutes. Wind is icy cold at times. Thats about it. :)
NJChilehead's Semi-Retroactive Rocoto-Heavy GLOG 2024
This past season was too good to not have at least started a GLOG! A little late in the game for 2024, but here goes! In the fall of 2023, I decided to break out of my old habits of growing the same C. chinense types (which I've been growing for over 10 years) and rotate in some Hungarian Wax Peppers for pickled banana pepper rings (my son loves them) and also some Sugar Rush Peach just to get the C. baccatum back into the rotation after not growing them since growing some back in about 2015. I also wanted to try the Yellow Scotch Brains after reading so much good stuff about it, plus save seeds from my original Trinidad Scorpion seed line (that I shared with Butch T and eventually went on to win the Guinness Book of World Records)...
2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........
Hi Guy's Here in Scotland we have .....let's face it.....shitty weather.... lots of cloud and often wet, cold summers 😞 however some of us have the chilli bug and feel compelled to grow these beautiful jewels of nature. Particularly when we were lucky enough to grow up in the middle East raised on spicy food and a Grand father born and raised in Kerala India in the 1920's spice is in my families very DNA 🙂 Spicey food has always played an important part in our family over the last few year's I've strived to find varieties that will grow in my particular wee Scottish greenhouse............ First was the Ring of fire cayenne which is a perfect substitute for Indian green chillies only hotter 😎 a ridiculous early tasty variety...
Meatfreak 2013
With some delay I sowed last sunday, 24 february. First I had doubts to start at all since it was already getting late in season but with all the varieties (thanks to all the great people I traded with!) I wanted to try I had to give it a try Keep in mind that the list was over 100 varieties, so I trimmed it down a lot. I intend to keep the 2 strongest plants of each variety except for the Piment d'Espelette. Some seeds are already old like the CGN (±8 years), so I got replacements in case the have popped up in 2 weeks. The first one to germinate after 3 days was the Coyote Zan White (C. Chinense). The rest followed quickly Now almost a week later 69% has germinated: 7-Pot Brain Strain Yellow 4/4 Aji Panca 3/0 Ampuis 3/3 Ancho...
Capturing second year crosses growing process
Last year I grew a few accidental crosses, so putting this grow log together to capture the second year variations when they come in. One was a Habanero x Wild Colombian, which is the center right column in the picture below. These were somewhat fleshy, but very juicy, often containing so much water the skins would rip and burst if left on the plant too long. They had the flavor of a Habanero, but more heat and a much longer burn duration, but very tolerable. When they started to ripen they'd take only a couple days to fully ripen. These made a really good hot sauce, or as a modifier to heat up dishes without using a lot of pods. These unfortunately did not dehydrate well, becoming almost like a dehydrated apple, so they didn't make...
SineNomine 2024
Links to my grow logs: 2021 2022 2023 This picture is of the seeds soaked yesterday. Today I sowed the seeds of C. Chinense and C. Pubescens. C. Chinense will all sit in the hanging pots in my balcony garden. In 2 weeks I will sow C. Annuum. I do not have the final list of these yet because I have many seeds from which it is very difficult for me to choose. I will edit this message as I decide. Hanging pots: - Fatalii - V2 2022/2023 - 3 plants - Orange Fatalii - The Hippy Seed Co (thanks MarcV) - 2 plants - CGN 21500 - Sulsa - 1 plant - Adjuma - thanks @Sulsa - 1 plant - Humble Servants Homestead SB - V1 2023 (original seeds from MarcV) - 2 plants - PI 215734 - Semillas - 4 plants (last year's revelation, I want more this year) -...
2024 - Let's save friends from death by chili pepper
Hi! In the last 6 years my pepper cultivation has always been ecological and spartan: no heating, no lamps, no fertilizers, no pesticides. But this year, after starting with the usual setup, I decided to change on the fly and upgrade, at least with a radiator and LED lamps, given that the C. chinense and the wilds didn't agree very well with my natural choices, and I am always open to change. So I recovered a growbox from the cellar that I hadn't yet used for peppers. I'm very late (actually I'm on par with other years, but being surrounded by professionals from two forums I feel the pressure 🙃 ). At the moment I have 35 live cultivars out of 40: the failed ones are sterile interspecific crosses, problematic wilds or poorly preserved...
The unexpectational glog: a journey into the unknown
According to the Urban Dictionnary, the word "unexpectational" refers to the active state of not having any expectations... In 2020, I grew a single Devil’s Rib plant, a habanero relative coming from Ghana. To be completely honest, it was without much expectation as I’m not really a big habanero fan! Our summer was exceptional that year so the plant grew very healthy and reached massive proportions. It gave me a shitload of pods averaging 20 grams each, with some weighing just over 25 grams. They were tasty and quite hot too, somewhere between the alleged 414 000 SHU and Ghost pepper level I’d say. At the end of the season I was quite happy I decided to grow it! As usual, I kept seeds from the nicest pods and planted about 30 last...
tsurrie's 2024 glog
Let's play. I will not grow much more peppers this season than last one, but it's going to be fun like always :) Let's hope for a decent grow. Last year was pretty good even with just 10 main plants - mostly habaneros. They are my favorite and they will play the main part in this season grow also. Current status: (sowed two weeks ago) Most of them sprouted and soon they will need to be transplanted in solo pots. Annums: - Cherry bomb - Pimienta (PLM) - Kapija (paprika) - another red bell pepper variety Chinenses: - Aji Jobito - Purple Thunder - Scotch Bonnet Papa Dreadie - Scotch Bonnet Papa Joe's - Scotch Bonnet MoA (from 2021 - hoping for some sprouts) - Fatalii - Red Savina Habanero - Calita Red Habanero...
Growing in More White Stuff 2021
Tough year for growing. First cold with powdery mildew hits than hot, then cold again. Right now we have another of mid 30s heat which is affecting blossoms and new growth. I had most of the peppers just drop their leaves. So spent the month of June heavily fertilizing. I have new growth but I think I am going to have to keep up the fertilizing as I'm behind in growth. Annums such as Hungarian Hot Wax and Mr. Nardello are coming out early. That was to be expected. My personal landrace of Scotch Bonnet and Monkeyface peppers along wall with Hungarian. Mr. Nardellos and Biker Bill Jalapenos struggling on the inside. Note: BB Jalapenos hate it here. I can't do anything right by them. Does not want to grow here period. Will be looking for a...
Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow
This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and some photos documenting what's happened so far.   In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds. In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just  called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.     Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:     Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.   Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
Third Time’s a Grow: The Path to Space Bucket Automation
Welcome to my Grow Log! This is my third attempt at growing hot peppers using a custom-made "space bucket". This setup is two 5-gallon buckets outfitted with two LED lights to create a controlled, efficient environment for plant growth. While my previous tries have taught me a lot about lighting, watering, and plant care, this time I’m aiming for success with a goal of eventually automating the entire system. My first bucket looked like this: And although was really cool looking had some flaws. Most notably: 1. The light was terrible quality, and broke after a month or so. 2. The bucket itself was too short, and I think was too intense for the new plants. 3. I was terrible at growing peppers, and didn't understand how to water...
Throw Heat's 2024 Pain Factory
This thread is going to be a photo dump of my 2024 season. Expect lots and lots of photos as things progress throughout the summer. Luna is already on guard duty just 2 days after transplanting. Big Olive Mama. This was a personal favorite from 2023, and I knew I had to grow them again this year. MA Purple. This is my first year growing this variety. I'm definitely loving the purple foliage on this one. White Knight. This was a freebie seed pack that was thrown in with one of my orders, and since I seem to have incredible luck with freebie seeds, I had to grow them this year.
Bold Badger 2024
Salutations mon amises. I have returned. So this year I'm scaling way back, mostly because I have too much sauce still aging from last year. I don't have enough empty carboys for everything if I grew another 1500 plants, so I cut it back to about 300. All chocolate habs and yellow 7 pots. I started seeds planning to have more yellows than chocolates, but the winds of fortune and bad germination left me with the opposite. Started on 02/25 Germination on 03/03 More germination on 03/04 03/14 Potted up on 03/31 Bottling some berry sauce on 04/04 Bottling some yellow 7 pot 04/06 Bottling curry sauce 04/06 Plants 04/08 Plants 04/21 Moved outside 04/30 Plants 05/11 Preparing the soil. I cashed in all my...
I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year. Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
7 Pot Savannah Community Grow
Hey folks, this dedicated thread will be all about growing the 7 Pot Savannah in honor of the late Dustin Jain/Nagacanario. According to his brother Christopher, he was not only a true pepper enthusiast but also an avid fisherman! Photo courtesy of Christopher Jain The following is a copy-paste from the thread that started it all back in 2021 (by @Guitarman), a summary of the character and his pepper: "He got his nickname from two of the things he loved the most: growing peppers and Presa Canario breed dogs. Some of us talked about keeping his memory alive back this year by letting people know about his creations and grow them, but it never happened. Dustin was from Savannah, GA and almost 10 years ago started selecting pods from an...
Growing hot peppers in Kyoto, Japan
This is my third year growing peppers since moving here; my first year was pretty good (completely accidentally), last year was a bit of a disaster due to unusual weather and my general gardening ignorance, so I can only hope for 2024 I can apply some of the lessons I have learnt on the way, and I am so happy to find such a treasure trove of knowledge and experienced growers here in this forum! There are some specific challenges to growing here: in addition to the annual monsoon/rainy season, Kyoto City sits at the bottom of a valley system surrounded on three sides by mountains, which causes cold, dry winters and hot, humid summers. Summers are particularly hot since we are a long way from the sea, so we get no nice sea breezes or...
CaneDog 2019 Hirsute Pursuit – Rocotos, Wilds & Moar
So, here's the new glog for the coming season.  With the indoor grow culled pretty hard now I can focus more on getting ready for what's ahead.  Hoping for a great year, but I’m already a bit behind - the germinators are packed right now and I've still got a round of annuum seeds waiting for their turn.  I guess it wouldn’t feel much like pepper growing though if everything were going perfect.   My focus was going to be rocotos with a side of bonnets and some other stuff, but I found I kept planting more and more wilds. Eventually I just kinda went all-in with them and they took on co-main event status.    I’ll start things off with some pics of some of the earlier pube’s.  There’s not too many at this point. Unfortunately, the vast...
Padron - Western Washington Plateau.
Hi Peeps! I hope to grow some Padron peppers to spread around to friends and maybe a few to the local market. At the very least I hope to have a Tapas to go with my Bombas! Fry them up with oil and sea salt and wait for the hot one! We dont get Padron peppers here due to climate, so I decided to try and grow my own. I like to cook. Many recipes from many places and the worst part is not being able to get the ingredients or spices. Unfortunately, I live in a zone 8 area, far from Spain, with months of cold and a lot of rain. It was 33deg this morning and 64geg this afternoon, and humidity is 35... So here we go! Noob inside start! (Dirt in my area is very nutrient rich)(sorry I didnt take pics from the start) I bought my Padron seeds...
Sulsa's 2024 "did it again" Glog
Well... you guys know me and i know you guys.... I was seriously planning on taking it easy this year, but somehow it happened again! The past few years were crazy productive and my household is completely saturated with peppers. Dried, frozen, canned, you name it we got it. Actually my house is starting to look like a spices warehouse of the VOC (east india company) Wich makes sense, since i'm living in Middelburg wich played a major role in this part of Dutch history. Even today my town still breaths the spirit of that time and so the need and greed for more is both genetic as well it is a product of my surroundings so it can't be blamed on me, right? Middelburg skyline in 1615 (hasn't changed much actually! 😁) As i was saying, i...
Paprika For Everyone
About the Grow: The (hydro) spice must flow This year I am starting Pepper Joe’s Leutschauer indoors and transitioning them outdoors The entire grow will be using hydroponics Once finished I will produce several lifetime's worth of Paprika, also cornering the market I'm starting 10 seeds and will do a pheno-hunt in my indoor tent for a mother plant Once the mother is established I will do about 10 clones and transfer them outdoors Stages of Growing: Seed starting Solo cups 5 gallon bucket 55 gallon drum (outdoor) I'll document these methods in following posts About Me: I'm not exactly a master grower but I have successfully created crosses and done quite a bit of pepper growing in the past I can't handle any heat...
2024/25 - HTX Glog
What's up everyone? It has been quite a while. Last time I was active was in 2017, when I lived in Arizona, I am in Houston now. Figured I would start a Glog for 2024/2025. Had a few plants this year that were doing fantastic and were starting to produce but hurricane Beryl had other plans for them. So instead of going crazy and not growing anything, I decided to start one little Lemon Starrburst plant in DWC and it's doing awesome. Will photo dump but the plant is a couple weeks old now. Started the seed in soil and just moved to the bucket a couple days ago. Here is the lineup for 2025: Primotalii Carolina Reaper California Reaper Lemon Starrburst Super Bhut Jolokia Yellow Naga Not much but about all I room for. All seeds from...